Generated template types | HCL Digital Experience

You can generate author-ready templates in HCL Web Content Manager to provide content authors a set of predefined content templates that can be selected from the toolbar and used to add content to a page.

Site developers can quickly generate predefined author-ready pairs of authoring templates and presentation templates for commonly used types of content. Content authors use the predefined content templates to quickly add content to a page.

To generate a new author-ready template:
  1. Open the applications menu and go to Content > Web Content Authoring and then click Generate > Templates.
  2. Select the type of templates that you want to generate.
  3. Type a Name and Display Title and select the library to save the authoring template and presentation template under.
  4. Click OK.
  5. A pre-mapped authoring template and presentation template are generated under the selected library with the specified name and display title. Edit these templates to match your site requirements.