Using the –i and –d options with z/OS UNIX System Services builds

The file specifications on the –i and –d options are interpreted differently by the client and server.

The client treats file locations specified with the –i and –d options as absolute or relative to the client's current directory. The server places input and dependent files in a subdirectory relative to where the server is running. The server has a concept of build location, which is the directory the server uses as the current working directory.
  • To use the default location, which is a subdirectory relative to the directory in which the Remote Build server starts, omit the –l and –la options. The subdirectory is deleted after the build request completes.
  • To force the Remote Build server to create a subdirectory relative to a specified directory, use the –l option. The relative is not deleted unless the –lc options are specified.
  • To specify an absolute path, use the –la options.


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.

The following list provides examples of input files.

In the following example, the client reads the file foo.c from its current directory. The server creates a temporary directory (typically named tbnnnn) and creates foo.c there. At the end of the build, the server deletes the directory.

rccbuild… –it foo.c 

In the following example, the server creates or reuses the subdirectory MyDir as the build location, and does not delete it at the end of the build.

rccbuild… –it foo.c –l MyDir 

In the following example, the server uses the absolute directory /u/server/test as the build location. The directory is not deleted after the build.

rccbuild… –it foo.c –la /u/server/test

In the following example, the server deletes the directory MyDir after the build.

rccbuild… –it foo.c –lc MyDir

In the following example, if you omit the –l option, the server creates a temporary directory path that is relative to the directory where you start the server. The name of the temporary directory varies.

For example, you start the server in the directory RemoteBuild. The server creates a subdirectory beneath it, such as tmp0001.

Given the example rccbuild command, the server creates the directory path temp/temp1 beneath tmp0001. The file foo.c is copied to the directory temp1.

The full path is: /RemoteBuild/tmp0001/temp/temp1/foo.c

rccbuild… –it temp/temp1/foo.c

In the following example, the client interprets the left parenthesis as a forward slash (/) and finds the appropriate directory. You can use the left parenthesis in place of a forward slash anywhere in the path.

On the server, the left parenthesis forces the file foo.c to be created in the current directory, not in a subdirectory.

rccbuild… –it temp/temp1(foo.c