Sample build requests

The topics in this section illustrate how to submit two different Remote Build requests using the client command rccbuild.

Each process generates output files that are returned to the client computer.

The following table describes the sample files found in the samples directory of the z/OS Extensions software.
Table 1. Sample files
Sample file Description
banner.cbl Source code for a sample COBOL program that displays the IBM® logo.
banner.led Linkage Editor control statements. This file is passed as a dependent file to the rccbuild command.
cobcomp.bat Batch file that runs the rccbuild command to submit a build request to z/OS.
cobcomp.jcl BCL script that invokes the COBOL compiler and Linkage Editor in z/OS.
runscr.bat Batch file that runs the rccbuild command to submit the BCL file runscr.jcl.
runscr.jcl BCL script that runs the BANNER load module.