Running the COBOL load module

To run the COBOL module in z/OS®, run the rccbuild command.

About this task

The rccbuild command in batch file runscr.bat passes BCLs and values for user-defined variables to the server.

rccbuild –h servername@port –b runscr –ft runscr.jcl –k IBM-850 –r IBM-037 
–v HLQ=hlqname SYSTEM=hlq2name


To run the COBOL load module, do these steps:
  1. Edit the rccbuild command in the batch file runscr.bat.
    1. Optional: If you are working on Linux® and the UNIX® system, remove the code page parameters –k IBM-850 –r IBM-037
    2. Entering appropriate values for the following variables:
      The z/OS server name and the listening port for the Remote Build server
      The high-level qualifier for your object and load libraries
      The second-level qualifier for your object and load libraries
  2. Run the batch file on the client computer.
    1. Update your system's search path, if needed, to include the directory that contains the executable rccbuild.
    2. Make the directory that contains the sample files the current directory.
    3. At the command prompt, enter the following command:


The build server returns two output files whose names are derived from information in the RUNSCR BCL:
  • RUNLOG.SYSPRINT is an empty file. RUNLOG is the step name on the EXEC statement that calls BANNER, the COBOL load module.
  • RUNLOG.SYSOUT contains the Rational® logo.

These files are returned to the client because RUNSCR BCL also has SYSPRINT and SYSOUT DD statements that include the extension parameter RCCEXT=RCCOUT.