Specifying a server-side build script

Use the -b option to specify a server-side build script.

This option specifies that the build script resides on the server. In z/OS® MVS™, the server looks for the script in the PDS that the RCCPROC DD statement in the RCCMVS JCL points to. The RCCMVS JCL is stored in the JCL installation library.

To override this PDS, use the –proclib option.

Note: To submit a build script that resides on the server, you must omit the -f option from the rccbuild request. The -f option submits a local script.


–b server_build_script


z/OS MVS, z/OS UNIX® System Services


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.
In the following example, the server looks for the script MYSCRIPT in the default PDS.