Sending ClearQuest credentials

Use the –qu, –qp, and -qdb options to ClearQuest® credentials to the server.

If the UCM project is ClearQuest integrated, the AuthPacket sent to rccTSOServer will include the current user's ClearQuest credentials.


–qu cquserid -qp cqpassword -qdb cqdatabaseset
–qu cquserid
Specifies a valid ClearQuest user ID.
-qp cqpassword
Specifies a ClearQuest password.
-qdb cqdatabaseset
Specifies a ClearQuest database set.


z/OS® MVS™, z/OS UNIX® System Services


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.
The following example submits ClearQuest credentials with the build request. This command can be executed only on MVS. The distributed system cannot support the ClearQuest options because ClearQuest cannot be installed on MVS.

rccbuild -h x.xx.xx.xx@xx -b .\IN.BAT -ft .\IN.BAT -ot OUT.OUT -l DMCCZ03 -T 10 -c GE -n 0 -ot ERR.ERR -au username -r IBM-1047 -k IBM-850 -ke IBM-850 -qdb CQDB1 -qu cquser