Passing variables to build scripts

Use the -p option to pass variables to build scripts.


–p build_parameters
Specifies parameters that are passed to the build script.


z/OS® MVS™, z/OS UNIX® System Services

Build parameters are used differently by z/OS MVS and z/OS UNIX System Services servers. In z/OS MVS, the –p option works in conjunction with the PARM parameter on a DD statement.

On Linux® and the UNIX system, specify two hyphens instead of one when you need to pass a hyphen to your build script. By specifying two hyphens, the server distinguishes between rccbuild parameters and your build script parameters.


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.
In the following example, the passed values of the –p option are –o hello hello.c, and are preceded by an extra hyphen. If the hyphen is omitted, the values are interpreted by the rccbuild command.
rccbuild –b cc –i hello.c –o hello -p --o hello hello.c
The following command passes values for user-defined variables for a script through the –v option. It also identifies input (–i) and dependent (–d) files.
rccbuild –h os390@55323 –b cobcomp –ft cobcomp.jcl –it banner.cbl –dt banner.led