Specifying client-based source files

Use the -i and -d options and arguments to specify client-based source files.

These two options specify input files (-i) and dependent files (-d) residing on the client to be submitted to the Remote Build server


–i [t | b | n] input_file … –d [t | b | n] dependent_file…
[t | b | n]
Specifies the input or dependent file format.
  • To indicate that the files are in text format, use the t option. This is the default.
  • To indicate that the files are in binary format, use the b option.
  • To indicate that the files already exist on the server and are not transferred to the server, use the n option.
input_file …
Specifies the names of one or more input files (separated by blanks) or a file that contains a space-delimited or comma-delimited list of files.
  • Precede the name of a file that contains a file list with an at sign (@), for example, @mylist.txt.
  • Use a DD statement in your BCL build script to indicate the location.
Specifies the names of one or more dependent files (separated by blanks) or a file that contains a list of files. Precede the name of a file that contains a file list with an at sign (@), for example, @mylist.txt.


z/OS® MVS™, z/OS UNIX® System Services

See the related references for more information about specifying files for z/OS UNIX System Services builds.


Note: The example in this topic is for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.
rccbuild –b rcccomp –ft rcccomp.jcl –i banner.cob –h os390@42310
  • The input, dependent and output DDs within one BCL cannot have the same RCCEXT value.
  • For -i and -d:
    • For Windows, only double quotation marks (") are supported, while single quotation marks (’) are not supported.
    • For Unix, both double quotation marks (") and single quotation marks (’) are supported.