Specifying a local build script

Use the -f and -b options to specify a local build script.


–f [t | b] client_build_script –b copy_to_name
[t | b]
The t option (default) specifies that the build script file is a text file. Specify the b option if the file is binary. The z/OS® server accepts build files only in text format.
Specifies a build script file that resides on the client computer, which is transferred to the server for processing.
Specifies a copy-to name for the build script. Remote Build script copies the local script to the server under the copy-to name.


z/OS MVS™, z/OS UNIX® System Services


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.
The following z/OS example identifies a local BCL file on Windows®, which is in text format: