Specifying the directory for a z/OS UNIX System Services build

Use the -loption to specify the directory for a z/OS® UNIX® System Services build.


–l [a] [c] build_location
To identify an absolute path, specify the a option and a fully qualified path. The server creates any directories that do not exist. To identify a relative path, omit the a option. If you use the –la options, copying the output file to the current directory (.) is not necessary.
To delete new directories when the build completes, specify the c option.
Specifies the path for the build location.


z/OS UNIX System Services


Note: The examples in this topic are for illustrating command syntax. You need to substitute values appropriate to your site for the command parameters.

The following example creates the directory Driver01, if it is not present, and compiles hello.c in that directory. Because the c option is not specified (–l instead of –lc), the directory Driver01 is not deleted, and the object file hello.o is left in the directory.

rccbuild… –l Driver01 … –b cc –p --c --o hello.o hello.c –i hello.c

The following example builds the hello object using hello.o (from the previous example). Because the c option is specified (–lc instead of –l), the directory Driver01 is deleted after the build is complete.

rccbuild… –lc Driver01 … –b cc –p --hello hello.o –o hello

The following example builds the hello object using hello.o (from the previous example). Because the a option is specified (–la instead of –l), the server creates the directory /Driver01 and makes the directory /Driver01 the current directory for the build transaction.

Because the c option is not specified (–la instead of –lac), Driver01 is not deleted, and the object file hello.o is left in the directory.

rccbuild… –la /Driver01 … –b cc –p --hello hello.o –o hello

The following example builds the hello object using hello.o (from the previous example). Because the c option is specified (–lac instead of –la), the directory Driver01 is deleted after the build is complete.

rccbuild… –lac /Driver01 … –b cc –p --hello hello.o –o hello