Tag: widgetImport

The wcpgl:widgetImport tag allows one or more widgets to be imported at a time. The widgets can be imported based on the slot ID parameter or the widget identifier parameter.

The Commerce Composer framework handles the specified slot ID parameter values as the higher priority than the widget identifiers. The framework uses the tag to identify and retrieve the widget definitions for the widgets with the specified slot ID. If no widgets match the slot ID values, the widget identifier values are used to retrieve the widget definitions. Once the widget definitions are found, the JSP file path in the definitions is used to import the widgets. If no widget definition cannot be found with the slot ID or widget identifier values, then no widget is imported. If the debug mode is set to true, an error message displays on the store page.

You can use the Commerce Composer widget import tag for the following purposes:
  • Use the tag in the main JSP file to have the Commerce Composer framework import an entire layout template. You can use the tag for this purpose by including the tag with the following format
     wcpgl:widgetImport uniqueID="${rootWidget.widgetDefinitionIdentifier.uniqueID}" debug=false
  • Use the tag in the layout template JSP file to have the Commerce Composer framework import the corresponding widgets for each slot in a layout. You can use the tag for this purpose by including the tag with the following format:
    wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="1" 
The tag extends the functionality of the c:import tag, which supports importing a JSP file by using the URL attribute. The widgetImport tag supports importing a JSP file by using either the URL attribute, the layout definition, or the widget definition. The order of priority for importing JSP files is:
  1. URL - If this attribute is not null, then the JSP associated with the attribute is imported. No further processing is done.
  2. slot ID - If this attribute is set, widgets are imported based on the layout definition and the widgets that are associated with the slot ID. If the slot ID is set, multiple widgets can be imported for the slot ID. The widgets are imported sequentially.
  3. identifier - If the widget definition cannot be found with the slot ID, or if slot ID is null, the identifier is used to find the widgets to import.

Tag information

Tag information
Body Content empty


Name Required Request-time Type Description
slotId false true java.lang.String The slot IDs of the widgets to be imported.
identifier false true java.lang.String The widget identifier for the widgets to be imported.
uniqueID false true java.lang.String The widget unique ID for the widgets to be imported.
debug false true java.lang.String If the value for this attribute is set to false, no exception is thrown and no error widget is displayed on the store page when the widget import fails.
varPageDesignDetails false true java.lang.String The variable name under which you can find the Page Design Logical SDO object. If this attribute is not provided, the default value of PAGE_DESIGN_DETAILS_VAR is used as the variable name. If this attribute is not defined and PAGE_DESIGN_DETAILS_VAR is not defined, then the tag cannot access the Page Design Logical SDO object.
singletonKey false true java.lang.String The variable that holds the name of the key that is used to check whether a widget is already imported. Use this attribute for a singleton feature, which is when a widget must be imported only once in a request scope. This single import occurs even when there are multiple imports found in different JSP files. Any subsequent import of the widget is ignored. Use this feature to include widgets like the EnvironmentSetup or SearchSetup. The singletonKey is used to identify whether a widget is already imported. Ensure that the same value for the attribute is used across all widget imports that must be included only once.
The following table identifies attributes for the wcpgl:widgetImport tag, which are also defined for the c:import tag within the WebSphere Application Server c.tld tag library definitions. Since the tag library definitions cannot be extended, the attributes are redefined within the class for the wcpgl:widgetImport tag

c:import tag attributes redefined for the wcpgl:widgetImport tag

Name Required Request-time Type Description
url false true java.lang.String The URL of the resource to import.
var false false java.lang.String The name of the exported scoped variables for the resource content. The type of the scoped variable is String.
scope false false java.lang.String The scope for the var attribute.
varReader false false java.lang.String The name of the exported scoped variable for the resource content. They type of the scoped variable is Reader.
context false true java.lang.String The name of the context when a relative URL resource that belongs to a foreign context is accessed.
charEncoding false true java.lang.String The character encoding of the content at the input resource.


This tag can be used within the container definition JSP file for a layout template. You can use this tag within a container definition to identify whether a widget can be included within a layout template slot. For example, the following code snippet, from the ProductPageContainer.jsp file, defines slots for a layout template that is intended for use in composing layouts for catalog entry pages. Within this file, the definition of the template slots includes the wcpgl:widgetImport tag to identify that a widget can be included within this slot:
<div class="product_page_content rowContainer <c:if test='${foundCurrentSlot7 == true}'>bundle_package_page</c:if>" 
 id="container_${pageDesign.layoutID}" role="main">		
		<div class="row margin-true">
			<div class="col12 slot1" data-slot-id="1"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="1"/></div>
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col6 acol12 slot2" data-slot-id="2"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="2"/></div>
			<div class="col6 acol12 slot3" data-slot-id="3"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="3"/></div>