Customer price groups

A customer price group is a type of member group that is used to offer different prices depending on the group that a customer belongs to. Customer price groups are intended for entitling a contract to a defined set of customers so that they get the contract's terms and conditions, often used to enforce custom pricing for the group. Customer price groups can comprise any user, who can be included and excluded explicitly. Customer price groups can be administered by Seller Administrators and Site Administrators only.

To create a customer price group follow these steps:

  1. Create a member group.
  2. Assign a customer to this group.
  3. In Management Center Tools, create a contract.
  4. Add this group as its participant of the contract.
  5. In the contract catalog filter, lower the prices of some products.
  6. Active this contract.
  7. Log in to the B2B store as a customer that belongs to the contract. You will see adjusted prices.