Install manually on a Tomcat Service server

Learn how to manually install the glass box agent on a Tomcat Service/Daemon server.


  1. On the Glass Box page of a content scan job, expand the Download glass box agent installer section.
  2. Extract the contents of to your preferred location on the web server.
  3. Define a username and password for the agent (only English characters and numbers can be used):
    • For a Linux™ server: Add execution permissions to, then run <username> <password>
    • For a Windows™ server: Run AgentCredentials.bat <username> <password>
  4. Deploy GBootStrap web application:
    • Log in to Tomcat Manager. The default location is http://<server_name>:<port_number>/manager/html
    • In Deploy table > War file to deploy, click Choose file.
    • Locate GBootStrap.war (in the glass box folder you extracted), and click Open.
    • Click Deploy and verify that GBootStrap has been added the applications list.
  5. Shut down Tomcat.
  6. Configure Tomcat to use the glass box agent by doing the following steps:
    1. Locate Tomcat JVM at ...\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe
    2. Double-click on it and select Properties > Java tab.
    3. In the Java™ Options area, add the following path as a new line: -javaagent:c:/path/to/gbAgent.jar
      Note: If there are other Java agents defined on the web server, you can add the glass box agent to the Java Options area (the exact path will depend on your installation):
      ... -javaagent:c:\otherAgent\otherAgent.jar -javaagent:c:\glassbox\gbAgent.jar ...
    4. Click OK.
  7. Restart Tomcat.