Installing the glass box agent

The AppScan® glass box agent must be installed on your application server (or servers), by copying certain files from the AppScan installation to the server. See each application server installation topic for details.

Restriction: The agent can be installed on more than one server, but only one server can be included in a scan.
Restriction: Multiple instances of AppScan (on the same or different machines) cannot use the same glass box web server agent at the same time.
Note: The glass box agent installs and uses a dedicated Java™ agent (gbAgent.jar) to function. If there are other Java agents defined on the web server, you can add the glass box agent to the application server command line (the exact path will depend on your installation):
java ... -javaagent:c:\otherAgent\otherAgent.jar -javaagent:c:\glassbox\gbAgent.jar ...

The following server platforms and technologies are supported:

Table 1. Java platform requirements
Software Requirement
Java EE containers JBoss AS 6, 7; JBoss EAP 6.1; Tomcat 6.0, 7.0; WebLogic 11; WebSphere® 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, 8.5.5
Operating Systems
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 with and without SP1 (both 32 and 64-bit supported)

Linux™ RHEL 5, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

UNIX™: AIX®, 6.1

Before you start

It will save you time if you have the following information ready before starting to install. You may need to consult your web application server administrator to get the information.
  • The name of your server's operating system (Windows, Linux, Unix)
  • The name of your Java EE application server (for example, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat), and the mode in which it is installed (standard or as an operating system service)
  • The web applications deployment location of your Java EE application server (for example: D:\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\webapps)
  • The location of the Java runtime used by your Java EE application server (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6)
  • The credentials for your Java EE application server administration (for the purpose of deploying a new web application)

Installation options