Install manually on a JBoss server or a JBoss Service server

Learn how to manually install the glass box agent on a JBoss server or JBoss Service server.


  1. On the Glass Box page of a content scan job, expand the Download glass box agent installer section.
  2. Extract the contents of to your preferred location on the web server.
  3. Define a username and password for the agent (only English characters and numbers can be used):
    • For a Linux™ server: Add execution permissions to, then run <username> <password>
    • For a Windows™ server: Run AgentCredentials.bat <username> <password>
  4. Log in to the JBoss Administration Console. The default location is http://<server_name>:8080/admin-console/
  5. Click Applications > Web Application WARs, then click Add a new resource.
  6. Type in the path to the GBootStrap.war file, then click Continue.

    A message confirms that the resource was created successfully.

  7. Shut down the JBoss server/service.
  8. Supply the Java agent gbAgent.jar (found in the folder you extracted) as a JVM argument by doing one of the following actions:
    • Through the environmental variable: Configure JBoss's JVM through the JAVA_OPTS environmental variable (if it does not exist, create it), with the value: -javaagent:<path_to_gbAgent.jar>.
    • Through batch/sh scripts: Pass arguments to the JVM running JBoss by editing the configuration scripts that are shipped with the server:

      Linux server:

      1. In the JBoss folder (usually located in <path_to_JBoss_folder>/bin), open run.conf
      2. Locate a line that begins with JAVA_OPTS and add the following line below it:
        export JAVA_OPTS = $JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:<path_to_gbAgent.jar>
      3. Save and close the file.

      Windows server:

      1. In the JBoss folder (usually located in <path_to_JBoss_folder>\bin), open run.conf.bat
      2. Locate a line that begins with set JAVA_OPTS= and add the following line below it:
        set JAVA_OPTS = %JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:<path_to_gbAgent.jar>
      3. Save and close the file.
    Important: Ensure that JAVA_OPTS is initialized only once, and prior to the lines above, so that other JAVA_OPTS assignments do not overwrite -javaagent.
    Note: To add arguments to JAVA_OPTS, use the %JAVA_OPTS% / $ JAVA_OPTS convention.
  9. Restart the JBoss server/service.