Option to lock the recipient list

In the scheduling wizard, the option to lock the recipient list is selected by default to prevent changes to the current recipient list until the scheduled messaging run finishes. While the recipient list remains locked, the system prevents upload of new recipient data from the local environment to the hosted environment. If you clear the option to lock the list, you can run the flowchart and the updated recipient list uploads normally.

Running the flowchart when the recipient list is locked updates the local version of the recipient list. However, the Deliver process in the flowchart displays a red X to indicate that the process failed. In this scenario, the failure is a failure to upload the list due to the lock.

The system releases the lock after the scheduled messaging run completes. After Deliver unlocks the recipient list, you must run the flowchart again to upload changes that were made to the list.

Note: This option is not available when you schedule a messaging to run after a scheduled flowchart run. There is no reason to lock the recipient list because the messaging runs immediately after the flowchart run updates the list.