Monitoring A/B test status on the mailing tab

When the A/B test begins, you can view the progress of the test in the Mailing Execution and Status section of the summary mailing tab. Until the winner is determined and the mailing completes, the system displays a status for each test split and the winning variation.

About this task

When the mailing completes, the Mailing Execution and Status section displays the start and finish time and the date for the A/B test.

When you configure an A/B test, the Mailing Components section of the summary mailing tab displays a table that describes how the A/B test configuration. The recipient list summary graphic indicates the test split size and how much of the recipient list is configured to receive the winning email.

The mailing tab summary of the A/B test configuration contains the following information.

A/B test configuration summary on the mailing tab.

Field Description


The number of the test split. If the evaluation of recipient responses results in a tie, the system declares the first split in the list as the winner.

Test Name

The name of the split.


The email document that contains the layout, content, or subject line to be tested. Provides a link to the communication in the Message Editor, where you can edit the document.


Indicates that zones in the document contain multiple content elements that might be displayed in various ways as part of the A/B test. The system displays a warning yellow triangle with exclamation: warning if the content changes.


A link to preview the version of the email that is sent as part of the test split.

Deliverability Report

If you select "Include seedlist for Deliverability monitoring" checkbox when you start the A/B test, this link becomes active and opens a deliverability report for the test split. Because the system receives email delivery responses over time, the report results can be different each time you run the report.

Evaluate test results

Before the test begins, this field indicates when the system evaluates recipient responses. When the test finishes, this field indicates when the system declared a winner.

Winning criteria

The criterion that the system uses to evaluate recipient responses and declare a winner of the A/B test.