Reset Deliver to Another View

Use the Reset Deliver to Another View dialog box to change the target view for a deliver operation already in progress.

If you start a deliver operation in a stream where a deliver operation is already in progress, the operation may fail if any of the following conditions occur:
  • You are not the owner of the target view
  • The target view was not created by the ClearCase® server in context
  • The tag of the target view cannot be accessed
If this error occurs, you can use the Reset Deliver to Another View dialog to reset the target view and proceed with the deliver operation. After you select a view, you can choose to resume or cancel the deliver operation using the newly selected target view.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Create view Click to create a new ClearCase view on the same stream as the target view of the deliver operation already in progress. This view can be used as the new target view for the deliver operation.
Select a view Select an existing ClearCase view to which the delivered elements will be merged. All views listed are on the same stream as the target view of the deliver operation already in progress.
Resume deliver After you select a new target view, you can select Resume deliver to reset the target view and resume the deliver operation when you click OK and the dialog is closed. Otherwise, select Cancel deliver to cancel the deliver operation when you click OK and the dialog is closed.
Merge elements graphically Select Merge elements graphically to disable automatic merges and allow you to merge elements graphically even if they do not contain conflicts.
Cancel deliver After you select a new target view, you can select Cancel deliver to cancel the deliver operation when the you click OK and the dialog is closed. Otherwise, select Resume deliver to reset the target view and resume the deliver operation when the OK button is selected and the dialog is closed.
OK Depending on your selection (Resume deliver or Cancel deliver) resumes or cancels the deliver operation and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog, making no change to the state of the deliver operation in progress. The deliver operation retains the old target view.