Check in

Check in resources to commit your modifications to the repository (VOB).

Use this dialog box to specify checkin options.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Show Details Displays additional information and options. If the resource is in a UCM view, the UCM Activity settings also appear.
Hide Details Conceals additional information and options.
The selected resources Displays the artifact name, any associated comments, and the directory path information of resources. If the resource is a directory, you can click the plus sign (+) to the left of directory to view any files or directories below your current location. The check box next to a resource indicates whether the resource should be checked in. To prevent the checkin of a specific resource, clear its associated check box. If the resource is in a UCM view, the activity associated with each resource also appears.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam® Explorer UCM integration with Rational® Team Concert, and the For Task Provider integrations, display tasks instead of activities in UCM views option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, Rational Team Concert work items display in the Activity column.
Check All Click to select the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and mark them for checkin. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Check None Click to clear the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and prevent them for being checked in. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select All Click to select all elements in The selected resources list box in order to apply a comment or activity to each element. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select None Click to specify that no elements in The selected resources list box are selected. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select Activity Displays the activity that is to be associated with the checkin. Click to select another activity. This option only appears if the resource is in a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, and the For Task Provider integrations, display tasks instead of activities in UCM views option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, Rational Team Concert work items display instead of UCM activities.
New Click to generate a new UCM activity in the Create New Activity dialog box. This option only appears if the resource is in a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, clicking New invokes the Create Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Create Work Item dialog box, this action creates a new ClearTeam Explorer UCM activity and associates it with the new Jazz Team Server work item.
Find Click to specify an existing UCM activity in the Find an activity dialog box. This option only appears if the resource is in a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, clicking Find invokes the Select Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Select Work Item dialog box, this action associates the current ClearTeam Explorer UCM activity with the selected Jazz Team Server work item.
Comment By default, the checkout comment is not changed.
Commit changes in one transaction per VOB Select this option (which is also known as atomic checkin) to specify that the checkin operation takes place in a single, bulk transaction. If any of the resources being checked in fails for any reason, the entire checkin operation fails. When you select this option, the Checkin even if the version is identical to its predecessor option is automatically selected since an identical file would cause the entire checkin to fail.
Note: This option is enabled by default in the Checkin dialog box when the Commit changes in one transaction per VOB (for Base CC) preference option is selected in the Team -> IBM® ClearTeam Explorer -> Dialogs -> Checkin Dialog Preferences. This option is not available when using a UCM view.
Note: This option is valid only if the VOB administrator has used the protectvob command to enable atomic checkins for the VOB.
Leave the version checked out if its identical to its predecessor Select this option to leave the resource in a checked-out state if it is identical to its predecessor.
Undo the checkout if the version is identical to its predecessor Select this option to perform an undo checkout operation if the version being checked in is identical to the previous version.
Checkin even if the version is identical to its predecessor Select this option to force the checkin to take place even when the version being checked in is identical to the previous version.
Current Activity after Checkin Click to specify the activity to be in effect after the checkin operation is complete. This option only appears if the resource is in a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, and the Display tasks instead of activities in UCM views, when task associations are required option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, a Rational Team Concert work item displays instead of a UCM activity.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
Note: In a UCM view, this dialog box includes items that let you specify a new or existing UCM activity to associate with the action. If your UCM project is ClearQuest-enabled, specifying an existing UCM activity and then clicking OK in the Checkin Resources dialog box may invoke the ClearQuest® record that is associated with the current activity if your policies are configured to automatically transition the associated record and if the record contains fields that require more information. You can then modify the ClearQuest record as appropriate for your activity.

Checking in a version that is not the latest on its branch

If a more recent version of a selected resource is checked in, you must resolve any conflicts between your version and that version before the checkin can proceed. This typically happens only if you are checking in a resource that was checked out unreserved. If the differences do not conflict, ClearCase® can merge them for you. If there are conflicting changes, you must perform a manual merge using ClearCase merge tools. For more information, see Using tools to compare and merge files and directories.