Restore Resources

You restore a view's resources to reconcile disagreements between client and server about the state of the resources. Such disagreements are called discordances and can affect only web views and automatic views.

The implementation differences between automatic views and web views cause discordances to be identified in different ways, which affects the manner in which they are reconciled:
  • In an automatic view, you can infer that discordances exist from noticing anomalies in your view (for example, an unexpected version). In this type of view, the restore operation reconciles any discordances that affect a selected resource: if it is a file, only the discordance affecting that file is reconciled; if it is a directory, the directory and its immediate children only are reconciled.
  • A web view identifies a discordance as such when you attempt to perform some ClearCase® operation that detects the discordance. In this type of view, the restore operation reconciles only those discordances that have been diagnosed by ClearCase operations.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Name The name of a resource to be restored.
Storage Path The full path name to the resource. The path name is always in the copy area of a ClearCase view on the local host.
Select All Selects all displayed resources.
Deselect All Deselects all displayed resources.
Preview only. Do not load or update any resources. Click to show a preview of the update resources operation for the currently selected resources.
Hijacked Files Handling Specify how you want hijacked files to be handled.
Do not update hijacked files Select this option to leave hijacked files unchanged. You can convert them to checkouts or unhijack them later.
Rename hijacked files with ".keep" extension and load selected version from VOB Select this option to rename each hijacked file to filename.keep and then load the currently-selected version from the VOB.
Replace (overwrite) hijacked files with selected version from VOB Select this option to overwrite each hijacked file with the currently-selected version from the VOB. Any changes to the hijacked files will be lost.
Apply Confirms the operation and allows it to proceed.
Cancel Cancels the operation.