ClearCase Posted Deliveries view

Use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Posted Deliveries view to complete a remote deliver operation.

If your organization uses DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite to distribute development among multiple geographical sites, your ClearCase project may share source files with developers at other sites. Each site has its own replica of project components and developers work in site-specific replicas. Each replica controls (masters) a set of streams and only developers at that replica site can modify them.

In a MultiSite configuration where a team of developers works at a remote site, the project's integration stream may be mastered at a different replica than the developers' development streams. When performing a remote deliver operation in this situation, developers cannot complete deliver operations to the integration stream. When such a stream mastership situation is detected, the deliver operation starts but no versions are merged. Instead, the deliver operation is left in a posted state.

To complete a remote deliver operation:

  1. In the ClearTeam Navigator, click the target stream and select Show Posted Deliveries from the context menu. The Posted Deliveries view appears, displaying the name of the source stream, the target stream, and master replica.
  2. In the Posted Deliveries view, click the source stream and select Deliver from the context menu.