Load Resources

Use this dialog box to load resources into a ClearCase® Web view or snapshot view. You can also load resources into an automatic view, but it is not necessary insofar as automatic view resources are loaded implicitly by browsing them.

When you are using the ClearTeam Navigator view or ClearTeam Details to explore the contents of remote ClearCase repositories, you can use the Load Resources dialog box to load resources into the currently selected view. Load Resources is only available for resources that are not yet loaded into the view. Loading any resource creates a load rule for the resource and then loads the selected version of the resource from the repository (VOB) into the view's copy area. After a resource has been loaded, you can use the Update Resources dialog box to update it to a more recent version.

Note: When you load a file, only that file is loaded. When load a folder, the folder and all of the files and subfolders it contains are loaded.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Name The name of the resource to be loaded.
Storage Path The full path name into which the resource will be loaded.
Select All Selects all displayed resources.
Deselect All Deselects all displayed resources.
Apply Confirms the operation and allows it to proceed as a foreground task.
Cancel Cancels the operation.

Automatic view load

When the load for an automatic view is in progress in ClearTeam® Explorer, then a progress bar is displayed at the bottom pane to indicate that the load is in progress in the background. The progress bar is displayed until the load is completed.
Note: The progress bar does not indicate the load completion percentage.

In the following scenarios, messages will be communicated to the user based on the progress of the load in the background.

  • If a load is completed, a message appears indicating the load is completed.
  • If a load fails, a message appears indicating the load is failed and that you must refer to the Update Log for more information.
  • When you click Cancel in the progress bar, then the progress bar will not be displayed but the load will be running in the background. A message will be displayed for the same indicating the load is running in the background and that you must refer to the Update Log for the load status.