ClearTeam Navigator view

Use the ClearTeam Navigator view to explore the contents of DevOps Code ClearCase® repositories and DevOps Code ClearCase views on this computer, to explore the metadata associated with base ClearCase and UCM VOBs, and to run Rational® ClearQuest® queries.

The ClearTeam Navigator view displays a list of all DevOps Code ClearCase views on the local host as well as a list of ClearCase servers that have been previously connected to. You can use the ClearTeam Navigator to explore the contents of the objects in each of the lists. You can also use the view to explore the contents of DevOps Code ClearCase repositories (VOBs) and modify resources.

Details about objects selected in the ClearTeam Navigator view appear in the ClearTeam Details view.

To access the ClearTeam Navigator, click Window > Show View > ClearTeam Navigator. If ClearTeam Navigator does not appear in the list, click Other > ClearCase and then select ClearTeam Navigator.

To explore the contents of a view in the ClearTeam Navigator, click the plus sign (+) adjacent to My Views, then select a DevOps Code ClearCase view (indicated with aview icon) from the expanded list.
Note: The My Views folder may not appear if a customized working set is active.
Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the view icon. Folders in a ClearCase view appear in both the ClearTeam Navigator and the ClearTeam Details view. Files appear only in the ClearTeam Details view.

If no ClearCase views appear in the list, use one of the ClearCase view creation wizards to create one. If you are in a LAN environment and you have previously created Dynamic views that do not appear, you must start the view first by right-clicking My Views in the ClearTeam Navigator, selecting Start Dynamic View from the context menu, and selecting the Dynamic view that you want to activate in the Start view dialog box.

To explore a ClearCase server, click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the ClearCase node. ClearCase VOBs, PVOBs, UCM projects, and streams known to a ClearCase server appear in both the Navigator view and the Details view. UCM activities, label types, and branch types appear only in the Details view. To work with UCM activities, click the My Activities node in the ClearTeam Navigator view; the UCM activities then appear in the ClearTeam Details view.

ClearTeam Navigator view options

Click the Menu icon Eclipse view menu  icon on the ClearTeam Navigator view toolbar to open the options menu. From this options menu, you can connect to or disconnect from a server or database, set one or more of the available view filters (Unloaded elements, Unloaded Private VOBs, Unloaded Public VOBs), set or manage working sets, and Refresh the resources displayed in the Navigator view.