ClearCase UCM Activities

When you select the My Activities node in the ClearTeam Navigator view, information about UCM Activities appears in the ClearTeam Detailsview.

Use the UCM Activities information in the ClearTeam Details view to display a list of all your activities in a UCM stream, along with the change set for each activity. To open the Change Set view for any UCM activity, double-click on the UCM activity in the ClearCase® Details view or right-click the activity in the ClearTeam Details view and select the Show Change Set option from the context menu. The change set information includes the elements and element versions that have changed.

Each UCM Activity in the ClearTeam Detailsview is represented by the activity icon icon or the current activity icon icon for the activity that is currently set in the view. Expanding the activity node displays the ClearCase elements that are included in the change set of the activity. Expanding the element node displays the specific versions of the element, represented by the changeset version icon icon.

Using the options available on the context menu for a version you can choose to move the version to another activity, compare the version with its change set predecessor, compare the version with its predecessor, or view the properties of the version.

To use the ClearCase UCM Activities view from the ClearTeam Navigator view, right-click a view in the ClearTeam Navigator view and select Show UCM Activities from the context menu. In the Eclipse environment, select Show UCM Activities from the Team context menu.

Columns in the table

The following columns appear in the UCM Activities table for all activities:

Column name Column description
ID The activity ID
Headline The activity headline
Created On The date and time when the activity was created
If an activity belongs to a UCM project that is enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®, the table may include additional columns that are specified by the ClearQuest query.

UCM Activities toolbar

You can perform additional operations for UCM Activities by clicking one of the following icons in the toolbar:

Icon Description
refresh icon Refreshes the list of activities and change sets
create activity icon Creates a new activity