Team support for the ClearTeam Explorer interface

The ClearTeam® Explorer provides graphical user interfaces to ClearCase® tools.

The ClearTeam Explorer supports graphical user interfaces that allow you to:

  • Create and configure ClearCase views on your computer.
  • Explore the contents of local ClearCase views and remote repositories.
  • Add resources to source control.
  • Modify resources that are under source control.
  • Share your work with other team members.

The ClearTeam Explorer includes the ClearCase Perspective (a collection of viewers that support functions like browsing, searching, sorting, and selecting), wizards and dialog boxes that support various ClearCase operations, and toolbars that provide access to the wizards and dialog boxes.

Context-sensitive Help

Every view and dialog box in the ClearTeam Explorer provides context-sensitive Help. To get Help for the ClearTeam Explorer interface that has the current focus, press the platform-specific help key (such as F1 on Windows).