ClearQuest Details view

The Rational® ClearQuest® Details view displays information about a ClearQuest record.

The ClearQuest Details view displays all the forms and fields of a ClearQuest record. You can use this view to view the record, modify the record, change the state of the record, or delete the record.

To open the ClearQuest Details view, run a ClearQuest query, right-click a results set row in the ClearCase® Details view, and select Show ClearQuest record from the context menu.

ClearQuest Details view toolbar

The following controls appear in the ClearQuest Details view:

Icon name Icon Description
Change State change state icon Click to select the desired state for the currently selected ClearQuest record. The states that are available depend on your ClearQuest schema.
Modify modify icon Click to edit the currently selected ClearQuest record.
Utility select a utility icon Click to perform a utility operation, such as Delete, on the currently selected ClearQuest record. The operations that are available depend on your ClearQuest schema.
Commit commit icon Click to save any modifications you have made to the currently selected ClearQuest record.
Revert revert icon Click to abandon any changes you have made to the currently selected ClearQuest record.