Rebasing a UCM stream using Advanced Rebase

Rebase a UCM stream to update a UCM view with the set of versions selected by the parent stream's recommended baselines, or with a set of versions in baselines that you choose.


To rebase a UCM stream using the Advanced Rebase method:
  1. In the ClearTeam Navigator, select the ClearCase® view (typically a UCM development view) in which you want to do the rebase operation. If you are working in the Eclipse environment, use any Eclipse view that supports the Team context menu and select a resource whose view is attached to the stream you want to rebase.
  2. Right-click the view and select Rebase > Advanced Rebase from the context menu in the ClearTeam Navigator or click the Rebase icon rebase icon on the ClearCase UCM toolbar and select Advanced Rebase.
  3. Specify rebase options in the dialog box.
    You can select the parent stream's recommended baselines, the parent stream's latest baselines, baselines that you provide the names or selectors for, or baselines listed in the dialog box.
  4. Optional: To force all merges (even trivial ones) to invoke a graphical merge tool, clear the Perform merges automatically if possible check box, which is selected by default. Note that there is a ClearCase server rebase policy which, if enabled, gives the user the option to perform a manual merge if any files are currently checked out or hijacked.
  5. Click OK to start the rebase.
    If the stream is currently up-to-date with respect to the recommended baseline, Rebase Stream displays an informational dialog box stating that no rebase is needed.
  6. The versions in the selected baseline are merged to the development view. Any manual merges that are required are listed in the Rebase Results view with a Merge Status of Needs Merge.
    Click the manual merge icon icon on the Rebase Results view toolbar to start merging. This opens the first item in the list with the appropriate manual merge tool. When the first item is merged, the next item is opened in the appropriate merge tool. This process continues until all required merges are complete or you click the cancel icon icon to stop merging.
    Note: To cancel the rebase and undo any merges that have completed, click the rebase undo icon icon on the Rebase Results view toolbar.
  7. After completing any required merges, build and test in the development view.
  8. If the build and test are successful, click the rebase complete icon icon on the Rebase Results view toolbar to complete the rebase operation.


The view's config spec is updated to match the parent stream's recommended baselines. New versions are loaded as needed, and elements no longer selected by the view's configuration are unloaded.