Mounting VOBs

Mount (or activate) VOBs to access source files from a view.

About this task

In an automatic view, a VOB is implicitly mounted when you browse into it. When using dynamic views, you may need to activate or reestablish access to a VOB by mounting it. Public VOBs are mounted as part of the system start procedure of a DevOps Code ClearCase® host. The procedure that follows applies to a dynamic views.


  1. To mount a VOB, expand the My Views node in the ClearTeam Navigator to display your views. If your Dynamic view does not appear, right-click the My Views node and select Start Dynamic View from the context menu. Once the view has been started, expand the view name node. If the node is empty, the VOB is not mounted. To display the VOB, click the View Menu option list icon (the small, inverted triangle) that is associated with the ClearTeam Navigator and select the Unmounted VOBs option.
  2. Click the VOB name to automatically mount the VOB. If, however, you have previously performed an Unmount VOB operation on that VOB, it is not automatically mounted when you select it. In this case, right-click the VOB name and select Mount VOB from the context menu.
    The Mount VOB information message box shows the status of the process and offers you the option of running the process in the background.