Delivering UCM activities using Default Deliver

Delivering UCM activities makes your work available to other members of your team.

Before you begin

You must deliver to a UCM integration view on your computer. This view is typically created when you use the Join UCM Project wizard to join a UCM project and create the views needed to work on activities in the project.

About this task

The deliver operation merges the work in your development stream with the work in the target stream. It completes trivial merges for you. If it encounters merge conflicts, it prompts you to resolve the conflicts.


  1. If you are using the ClearTeam® Explorer for Eclipse, switch to the Eclipse workspace associated with the integration view.
  2. To be sure that the integration view is current, select the view in the ClearTeam Navigator and then select Refresh > Update from Repository from the context menu to open the Update Resources dialog box.
    Click Apply to perform the update operation.
  3. In the ClearTeam Navigator, select the ClearCase development view.
    If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse, do not switch to the Eclipse workspace associated with this view. All modifications related to the deliver operation take place in the integration view.
  4. Right-click the development view and select Deliver > Default Deliver from the context menu in the ClearTeam Navigator to open the Default Deliver dialog box or click the Deliver from Stream icon deliver to default target icon on the UCM toolbar and select Default Deliver. Use this dialog to set the default target stream and ClearCase view.
  5. The default target stream and ClearCase view appear in the Configure Default Deliver panel. To deliver to an alternate stream, click Change. To create a new view to use for the deliver operation, click New. To select a different existing view to use for the deliver operation, click the Integration view option list.
    Note: Alternately, you can set the default target stream and ClearCase view beforehand by clicking Window > Preferences in the Eclipse Workbench, then selecting Team > IBM® ClearTeam Explorer > Integration > Rebase and Deliver in the Preferences dialog box. If you have set these options beforehand, the Default Deliver dialog does not appear when you select Deliver > Default Deliver; instead, the deliver operation begins.
  6. Click OK to start the delivery.
  7. The versions in the selected activities' change sets are merged to the integration view. Any manual merges that are required are listed in the Deliver Results view with a Merge Status of Needs Merge.
    Click the manual merge icon icon on the Deliver Results view toolbar to start merging. This opens the first item in the list with the appropriate manual merge tool. When the first item is merged, the next item is opened in the appropriate merge tool. This process continues until all required merges are complete or you click the cancel icon icon to stop merging.
    Note: To can cancel the deliver and undo any merges that have completed, click the deliver undo icon icon on the Deliver Results view toolbar.
  8. After completing any required merges, build and test in the integration view.
  9. If the build and test are successful, click the deliver complete icon icon on the Deliver Results view toolbar to complete the deliver operation.


The selected activities are delivered to the integration view and the new versions checked in. After the changes are incorporated in a new baseline, other team members can use Rebase Stream to load the new versions into their development views.