Creating a baseline

Create baselines on a regular basis to ensure that project team members stay in sync with each other's work.

About this task

A new baseline includes the work project team members have delivered to the integration stream since the last baseline. If your project uses feature-specific development streams, perform this task on those streams and on the integration stream. In some environments, the lead developer working on a feature might assume the role of integrator for a feature-specific development stream.


To create a baseline:
  1. Use the ClearTeam Navigator view or the ClearTeam Details view to select the stream where you want to create the baseline.
  2. Right-click the stream name and then select Make Baseline. The Make Baseline dialog opens.
  3. Enter text to identify the new baseline in the Base Name field. If a baseline naming template has been set up for the UCM project, a read-only Template Name field displays the name of the new baseline, including where the Base Name text will be in the name. Otherwise, the text that you enter in the Base Name field will be used for the baseline name.
    Note that if the Base Name field is not available on the dialog, you cannot modify the baseline name, and the name specified in the Template Name field will be used.
  4. Optionally, enter a description of the new baseline in the Description field.
  5. Select a Baseline Type: Incremental or Full.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog and create the baseline. Click Cancel to cancel the operation. Note that if you click Cancel after clicking OK, the Make Baseline dialog closes, but the baseline is still created.
