Create a ClearQuest record with a UCM activity

Create a new ClearQuest® record by creating a new activity in a ClearQuest-enabled UCM project.

About this task

You can create a new ClearQuest record from the ClearTeam® Explorer by creating a new activity within a ClearCase® view of a ClearQuest-enabled UCM project. Note that you must be using the UCM integration with ClearQuest in order to create a new ClearQuest record.


To create a new ClearQuest record:
  1. Select a ClearCase view associated with a ClearQuest-enabled UCM project.
  2. Click the New Activity icon create new activity iconin the UCM toolbar or, when performing a check in, check out, or add to source control operation, click the New button among the activities options on the Checkin, Checkout, or Add to Source Control dialog boxes.


A dialog box appears enabling you to select a record type. After specifying and saving the new ClearQuest record as a new activity, the current activity for the view is set to the new activity.