Connections iOS configuration reference

Use the table that follows as a reference for the custom app configuration XML. This table can be used if your EMM provider does not yet support the AppConfig schema as defined by the AppConfig Community. If your EMM does support an AppConfig.xml file, then download the .zip file containing the Connections_AppConfig.xml file. Note that Connections iOS does not support configuration of multiple accounts using AppConfig.

Custom app configuration XML

Sections Label Key Default value Details

Only use AppConfig settings


Type: Boolean

Default : false

Values :



Always enable this setting unless you are using the older SDK integration of Connections with MobileIron or MaaS360.

Account Settings

Server URL


Type: String

Default: none

Enter cloud for HCL Connections Cloud servers. Otherwise, enter the URL of the HCL Connections server to which you want to connect. The https prefix is not required, but is accepted, for example: The port is not required if you want to use the default (443). The context root (/mobile) is not required if you want to use the default (/mobile).

Account Settings

Server Name


Type: String

Default: none

Define a short name for the HCL Connections server to which you want to connect.

Account Settings

User Name


Type: String

Default: none

Enter the userid that is used to login to the HCL Connections server. Macros are accepted if they are available. Consult your EMM documentation for the availability of substitution macros or variable names.

Leave this setting empty when using OAuth authentication. It is not possible to specify a user name (or password) in this environment.

Account Settings



Type: String

Default: none

Enter the password corresponding to the userid to login to the HCL Connections server. Macros are accepted if they are available. Consult your EMM documentation for the availability of substitution macros or variable names.

Leave this setting empty when using OAuth authentication. It is not possible to specify a user name (or password) in this environment.

Account Settings

Restrict to one account


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Values :



Restrict HCL Connections to allow only one account to exist. Users cannot create additional accounts.

Account Settings

Remember Password


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Set remember password to false to prevent the user's password from being saved in the HCL Connections Mobile Server application and disable the user's ability to save the password.

Note: Setting this option to true gives the use the option to save the password, it does not enforce that the password is saved.

Account Settings

Allow Remove Account


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Values :



Allow users to remove accounts from the application's account listings without being logged in to the account.

Account Settings

Allow External Browser Domains


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Values :



Allows user to open supported http/s URLs in an external browser instead of the embedded browser in the HCL Connections application. Supported URLs are specified by the SupportedExternalBrowserDomains key

Account Settings

Supported External Browser Domains


Type: String

Default: none

Allows users to specify domain/subdomain patterns for websites that should use an external browser instead of of the embedded browser within then HCL Connections mobile app. This value is applicable only when AllowExternalBrowserDomains is set to true.

Use a comma to separate multiple domain patterns. This key accepts wildcard subdomains ( * ) and can be specified only in the beginning. This key does not support Regular Expressions.

Account Settings

Custom Help URL CustomHelpURL

Type: String

Default: none

Allows to specify custom help option within HCL Connections™ app for logged in users. Once configured and the mobile user logs into their account, this option is available under My Account > Help and Support section in HCL Connections™ app.

The following snippet shows an example of how you can specify CustomHelpURL: <genericProperty name="CustomHelpURL"></genericProperty>

If specified domain/subdomain patterns for URL matches the External Browser Domain configurations, then Custom Help URL should use an external browser instead of the embedded browser within the HCL Connections mobile app.

Note: If the specified url is a deep link or a universal link that is supported by a native application and is installed on user's device, this will open the native application instead of an external browser.

Activity Settings

Enable public activities


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to activities that are visible to all users.

Blogs Settings

Enable public blogs


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to blogs that are visible to all users.

Bookmarks Settings

Enable public bookmarks


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to bookmarks that are visible to all users.

Communities Settings

Allow community forum creation


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Values :



Allow community editors to create new forums within the community.

Communities Settings

Allow community owned folders


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow folders to be created within communities rather than shared from a user's files library.

Communities Settings

Enable public communities


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to communities visible to all users.

Communities Settings

Allow community add members


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Show an action that permits community owners to add members to the owned community from within the HCL Connections Mobile Server application.

Files Settings

Allow file import


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow file import permits files to be selected, and uploaded to the server, from other third-party apps that provide files. If this policy is disabled, taking a photo or video inside the HCL Connections application and uploading it is still allowed.

Files Settings

Allow file export


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow files to be opened by apps other than HCL Connections. The files are decrypted prior to sending to the other apps.

Files Settings

Allow files to be shared with everyone


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow files to be shared with all users.

Files Settings

Allow file download


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow users to download files to the device from within the mobile app.

Files Settings

Allow file upload


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow users to take and/or choose pictures from the device and upload to the HCL Connections server.

Files Settings

Enable public files


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to create and navigate to files that are visible to all users.

Files Settings

Allow files to be shared outside of organization.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



HCL SmartCloud only. Allow files to be shared with people outside a user's SmartCloud organization

Files Settings

Allow file export to device gallery


Type: Boolean

Default: true



Values :



When enabled, the policy to allow export to device gallery, allows files to be added to the mobile device image gallery. An exported image is decrypted.

Files Settings

Apps whitelist


Type: String

Default: none

Only supported on iOS. Specifies a whitelist, or list of apps, that are allowed to import files into the Connections app. This value is only used if AllowImport is set to true. The default value is no whitelist. This list is a comma-separated list of app IDs that can import and upload files using the Connections app.

Forums Settings

Enable public forums


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to forums that are visible to all users.

Forums Settings

Allow forum creation


Type: Boolean

Default: false Values:

Values :



Allow users to create new forums for discussion within the forums app.

General Settings

Disable Apps


Type: String

Default: none

The selected apps are disabled and not available for use in the HCL Connections Mobile Server application.


If the app is not installed or is disabled on the server, it cannot be enabled through this policy.

General Settings

Foreground color


Type: String

Default: none

The foreground color is used for icons and text that are displayed in areas that use the ThemeColor as a background color. This policy is specified as a six-character string that represents the hex color code. For example, ffd700 represents a gold color setting. When not specified the foreground color that shipped with the app is used.

General Settings

Theme color


Type: String

Default: none

The primary color that is used for the main theme areas of the mobile app (for example, the title bar, status areas, buttons and so on). This policy is specified as a six-character string that represents the hex color code. For example, 00ff00 represents a green color setting. When not specified, the theme color that is shipped with the app is used.

General Settings

Allow iTunes Sharing


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allows documents to be shared when you sync your device with iTunes. The default value is true.

General Settings

Allow editing using HCL Connections Editor app


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allows a mobile user to edit Connections files using the HCL Connections Editor mobile app.

General Settings

Allow device location information to be posted


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Permit users to attach their location information when posting a status update.

General Settings

Show email addresses


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enable to show email addresses in profile details.

General Settings

Default application


Type: String

Default: Updates

The default app is the app (Files, Wikis, etc) the HCL Connections Mobile Server application shows at startup.

General Settings

Inactivity timeout


Type: Integer

Default: 0

The duration (in minutes) after which the user is required to relogin if no activity is performed in the application. Default value is 0, which causes this setting to be not in effect.

General Settings



Type: String

Default: none

The MAM key that must align with the MAM signature that is specified in the server configuration. If after the internal algorithm processes the MAM Key it does not match the MAM signature from the server, the user will be blocked from using the app.

General Settings

Allow Email AllowEmail

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Enables mailto tags within Connections content. If this option is disabled, mailto tags will still be visible, but clicking the link will result in a message indicating that email from the Connections Mobile app has been disabled.

General Settings

Problem report email ProblemReportEmail

Type: String


Enter the email address to use for reporting problems and feedback from the Connections Mobile app. If you do not specify an email address, it defaults to

General Settings

Allow copy and paste AllowCopyandPaste

Type : Boolean

Default : true

Values :



Allows the copying and pasting of text throughout the application. To prevent copying and pasting, deselect it.

General Settings

Allow Print


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allows user to print content from the HCL Connections app wherever the print option is available.

Geolocation Reporting Settings

Location reporting frequency


Type: Integer

Default: 0

Define the distance change, in feet, or time change, in minutes, that location information is reported to the server. The value is in distance or time based on the location reporting type.

Geolocation Reporting Settings

Location reporting type


Type: String

Default: distance

Defines whether location information is reported based on a change on time or distance.

Geolocation Reporting Settings

Location reporting url


Type: String

Default: none

The URL the HCL Connections Mobile Server application invokes to report location details. The body is JSON and includes userName, userId, userLat for latitude, and userLong for longitude. If the URL is empty, geolocation reporting is disabled.

Navigation Groups Settings

Remove apps from the main navigation


Type: String

Default: none

Remove the selected apps from the main navigation of the HCL Connections application.


If an app is disabled, it can not be displayed in the main navigation.

Navigation Groups Settings

Default navigation order


Type: String

Default: communities,files,profiles,favorites,blogs, forums,wikis,offlinefiles,activities,bookmarks

The order the HCL Connections apps show in the main navigation. If an application is disabled or designated to not show in the main navigation, it is ignored. The default order is updates,communities,files,profiles,favorites,blogs,forums,wikis,offlinefiles,activities,bookmarks

Profiles Settings

Allow profile image upload


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allow users to edit their profile and upload new images that represent them.

Profiles Settings

Allow profile edit


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Allow users to modify their profile fields from the HCL Connections Mobile Server application.

Security Settings

Security - Prompt for terms of usage on every login


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Specifies whether the terms of usage page is shown every time the user logs in. Setting this policy to false prevents the page from being shown on every login attempt when the user has accepted the terms of usage the first time.

Security Settings

Security - Terms of usage url


Type: String

Default: none

The URL to load into a webview during authentication with the HCL Connections server. The URL displays the terms of usage of the environment. The user is presented with options to accept the terms or reject the terms. If rejected, the user can not proceed to authenticate with the server.

Wikis Settings

Enable public wikis


Type: Boolean

Default:   true

Values :



Enable users to navigate to wikis that are visible to all users.

Customization Settings

Custom header key


Type: String

Default: none

The name of the key to be added as a custom authentication header

Customization Settings

Custom header value


Type: String

Default: none

The value to be associated with the key in the custom authentication header

Customization Settings

Custom header key


Type: String

Default: none

The name of the key to be added as a custom authentication header

Customization Settings

Custom header value


Type: String

Default: none

The value to be associated with the key in the custom authentication header

Customization Settings

Custom header key


Type: String

Default: none

The name of the key to be added as a custom authentication header

Customization Settings

Custom header value


Type: String

Default: none

The value to be associated with the key in the custom authentication header

App Password Settings

App Password Type AppPasswordType

Type: String

Default: none






Valid values include:
  • Numeric: Password can only contain numbers
  • Alphabetic: Password can contain letters and special characters but no numbers
  • Alphanumeric: Password must contain at least one letter and one number
  • Complex: Password must contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character

App Password Settings

Minimum Length AppPasswordMinLength

Type: Integer

Default: none

The minimum length requirement for the password. If Type is set to Numeric, MinLength is set to 4.

App Password Settings

Minimum Letters AppPasswordMinLetters

Type: Integer

Default: 1

The minimum number of letters required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Minimum Numeric AppPasswordMinNumeric

Type: Integer

Default: 1

The minimum number of numbers required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Minimum Non Letters AppPasswordMinNonLetters

Type: Integer

Default: 1

The minimum number of special characters required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Minimum Uppercase AppPasswordMinUpperCase

Type: Integer

Default: 0

The minimum number of uppercase letters required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Minimum Lowercase AppPasswordMinLowerCase

Type: Integer

Default: 0

The minimum number of lowercase letters required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Minimum Symbols AppPasswordMinSymbols

Type: Integer

Default: 1

The minimum number of special characters required for the password. This only applies to Complex password types.

App Password Settings

Autolock AppPasswordAutolock

Type: Integer

Default: 0

A timeout value, in minutes, after which the user must re-enter their password if no activity has taken place. Setting the value to 0 disables autolock.

App Password Settings

Expiration AppPasswordExpiration

Type: Integer

Default: 0

The number of days that a password can be used before the user is required to change it. Setting the value to 0 means that passwords never expire.

App Password Settings

History AppPasswordHistory

Type: Integer

Default: 0

The number of unique passwords required before re-use of a password is allowed. Setting the value to 0 means that no history is maintained.

App Password Settings

Wipe App Data AppPasswordWipeFailures

Type: Integer

Default: 0

The number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before all data for the app is removed from the device. Setting the value to 0 disables the wipe feature.

App Password Settings

Allow Sequences AppPasswordAllowSequences

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Values :



Allows the password to contain ascending, descending, or repeating characters. Deselecting this setting means that the password cannot contain any repeating characters, and cannot contain more than 2 ascending or descending characters.

App Password Settings

Allow Fingerprint Authentication AppPasswordAllowFingerprintAuthentication

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Values :



On devices that support fingerprint authentication, allows users to unlock the HCL Connections app using their fingerprint without having to enter their HCL Connections app password.