Installation guide (AutoDeploy)

Setup HCL AutoDeploy for Connections

Note: AutoDeploy must be installed and started by the system user that operates Connections (e.g.: wasuser).

Note: If the HCL Connections installation is running on Windows, Cygwin must be installed on each node. You need to install the prepackaged Cygwin image that is provided here. Additionally, the AutoDeploy documentation provides a guide for setting up Cygwin.

Note: If this ICXT installation is an update to an existing installation, please make sure to read through the known Upgrade Changes to be aware of any potentially required changed specific to your upgrade scenario.

Download the latest AutoDeploy release archive and upload it to the DeploymentManagers filesystem (e.g.: /tmp)

ssh <youruser>@target-machine
sudo su - wasuser
cd /tmp
tar xfz autodeploy-5.0.4-73be5ee.tar.gz
./ /opt/IBM/autodeploy

Start AutoDeploy

sudo su - wasuser
/opt/IBM/autodeploy/app/ --profilepath /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01

If AutoDeploy is started for the first time, it exports all information of the cell. Afterwards, it needs to be configured by setting the stage attribute


Search the attribute stage and set a proper value (e.g. DEV, TEST, PROD)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<autodeploy:Environment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:autodeploy="http://environment.model.autodeploy" xsi:schemaLocation="http://environment.model.autodeploy java://autodeploy.model.environment.EnvironmentPackage" name="Connections-Cell" stage="DEV">
  <cell name="Connections-Cell" adminUserId="wasadmin" adminPassword="{xor}Fz5pFQ8YMCYFKjdmFS8YNC1qazY=" wasVersion="6.1">
    <customProperty name="" value="displayServerInFront"/>

In order to ease the AutoDeploy startup, create an alias in the .bash_profile file of the wasuser

alias ad_start="/apps/autodeploy/app/ --profilepath /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01"

Setup ICXT via AutoDeploy


Ensure that all Pre-Installation steps are executed or verified.

If you created the ICXT server/cluster right after the AutoDeploy setup, the environment must be updated. Execute following AutoDeploy command to populate the created server to the AD environment:



Copy the ICXT deployment archive to the Deployment Managers filesystem (e.g.: /tmp)

Start AutoDeploy

sudo su - wasuser

Update the release configuration

ad_updateConfig /tmp/

Note: If you install ICXT for the first time, AutoDeploy will ask for the following installation scope definitions. In most cases, the ic360-targetCell is cell. If this is not the case (or cell is not listed in the available scopes/multiple cell scopes are listed), find the target cell by navigating to the WebSphere cell configuration path: /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells. Here you should see the cell to define as your target cell. For the ic360-targetServer, use the cluster name set during the Pre-Installation.

WARN [main] autodeploy.releaseArchive.ReleaseArchive - Missing target-to-scope mapping for target [ic360-targetCell]
Available scope: ICXTCluster, ICCluster, cell, connectionsCellManager, connectionsCellManager_dmgr, connectionsNode, connectionsNode_nodeagent, connectionsNode_webserver1
Please enter the corresponding scope for target [ic360-targetCell]: 

WARN [main] autodeploy.releaseArchive.ReleaseArchive - Missing target-to-scope mapping for target [ic360-targetServer]
Available scope: ICXTCluster, ICCluster, cell, connectionsCellManager, connectionsCellManager_dmgr, connectionsNode, connectionsNode_nodeagent, connectionsNode_webserver1
Please enter the corresponding scope for target [ic360-targetServer]:

Search & Replace all values that are UNDEFINED:

Note: For IC5.0– the JNDI names of the Blogs and Forums must be changed. The values in the deploy.cfg must be updated, as well:


Note: Checkout the configuration page and verify if the default configuration values must be updated, or not

Validate the release

ad_validateRelease /tmp/

Activate the maintenance mode

ad_maintenance -e "ICXT installation"

Deploy the release

ad_deployRelease --norestart /tmp/

Note: Add the option --norestart in order to disable server restarts after the deployment has been finished.

Note (for Windows Server): Add the option --from 2 for all updates (not for the initial installation) to avoid file-lock issues with the*.jar.

Restart the ICXT cluster/server (execute ad_listServers for retrieving the cluser and server names)

ad_restartCluster ICXTCluster


ad_restartServer ICXTCluster_server1@?

Note: If it is an initial installation the webserver plugins must be generated and propagated

Post-installation tasks

Ensure that all Post-installation Tasks steps are executed or verified. Refer to this document for first steps as well. If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior, please check the Known Issues or reach out to your IBM/ICXT support.