Installation guide (IBM Cloud)

Cloud account account preparations

To deploy the ICXT application on the HCL Cloud, follow the instructions below:

  • Create an HCL Cloud account and log in.
  • Create a Liberty for Java Cloud Foundry App:
    1. Click on Menu (the three bars)
    2. Click on Cloud Foundry Apps in the sidebar
    3. Click on the Create Cloud Foundry app button
    4. Select Liberty for Java
    5. Fill out the form
    6. Click on create

Create Liberty App

  • Create a Compose for MongoDB Service:
    1. Click on Menu (the three bars)
    2. Click on Data & Analytics in the sidebar
    3. Click on the Create Data & Analytics service button
    4. Search for Compose for MongoDB
    5. Select Compose for MongoDB
    6. Fill out the form
    7. Connect to the before created application
    8. Click on create

Create MongoDB Service

Pushing the application release to the HCL Cloud

  • Push the app to the HCL Cloud
    • Download and install Bluemix CLI
      • MacOS: curl -fsSL | sh
    • Download and install CloudFoundry CLI
      • MacOS: brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli
    • Log in on the CLI
      • Bluemix: bluemix login
      • Set Organization and Space information: bluemix target -o target -s space
    • Upload the application
      • Upload the app bluemix app push app-name
    • If your application uses Spring set following environment variable (see link for further information)
      • cf set-env app-name JBP_CONFIG_SPRINGAUTORECONFIGURATION '[enabled: false]'
      • cf restage app-name
    • Open a SSH session and check the deployment
      • cf ssh app-name
      • deployed application can be found here: ll app/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/IC360_core.ear
      • log file can be found here: less logs/messages.log
    • Open your browser and enter the app