HCL Commerce Version or later

Buyer Details

The buyer details page displays the buyers details and organization details. Buyer Administrators for a Ruby B2B organization can review the buyers details before deciding whether to approve or reject a buyer.

The Organization Details section displays the organization under which the buyer is registered. The organization defines the contract terms and conditions to which the buyer is entitled. Buyer Administrators can add a comment to the page and then choose to approve or reject the buyer.

A buyer details page is shown in the following image.

The buyer details page displays information such as organization details, buyer details, address, comments, and two action buttons. These action buttons allow users to perform the following actions:

  • Approve: Once a Buyer Administrator approves a buyer registration request, a confirmation message is displayed, indicating that the approval process was successful. The buyer can now sign in and shop under the given contracts.
  • Reject: Once a Buyer Administrator rejects a buyer registration request, a rejection message is displayed, and the buyers access to the store is denied.