HCL Commerce Version or later

Product compare feature

The product compare feature allows you to compare items from the Product Listing Page (PLP) in tabular form on a dedicated screen.

The products in the PLP have Compare check boxes that are always visible. These check boxes are available for all product types, except for kits and bundles. You must select a minimum of two and a maximum of four products for comparison in the desktop view. The maximum number of products for tablet view is three.

Note: Product compare is not supported for mobile views due to the screen-size constraints.

Once you select a single check box, the product comparison section opens from the bottom of the PLP and can be hidden or expanded, when required. As selections are made, the place holders display the selected products with details such as product image, product name, and product price as shown in the following image.

Click the Compare Selected Products icon, a dedicated product comparison page opens, that compares the following details for the selected products, as applicable:
  • Price
  • Brand
  • Product Dimensions
  • Color
  • Item Weight
  • Material
  • Pattern

The following images shows a comparison between three products in the Ruby store:

For further details on product comparison, refer to Comparing products on storefront