HCL Commerce Version or later

In-progress orders and shared orders

From HCL Commerce Version onwards, B2B react store users have the ability to keep multiple orders in the same buyer organization. If you are a registered buyer, you can manage orders other than your own cart.

Shared orders are being introduced from HCL Commerce Version, which will allow users from the same organization to collaborate on the same order. Shared orders are very much like a user's private order, except they allow other users from the order owner's organization to see the order (these users are referred to as contributors). Contributors can add items to other users' shared orders and delete those items or update their quantities.

Note: The order owner can control the order collaboration by all users. The owner of the order has complete authority over the order. The owner can modify or remove any item in the order, whether owned by self or by other contributors. The owner of the order can also delete or copy the order itself. Contributors can only modify their own items in the shared cart. Contributors cannot copy or delete orders owned by others.
From HCL Commerce Version onwards, B2B react store users can create, view, copy, and delete an existing in-progress order. The actions for each item are enabled depending on authority and activation status of the order:
  • The Add item to cart action is only enabled if the order is not the currently activated order.
  • The delete and quantity input actions are enabled only when the order has been activated, and any of the following conditions are true:
    • The current user is the owner of the order.
    • The current user is the owner of the order item.
  • The selection check-box for an order item will be disabled if all of the following conditions are true:
    • The current user is not the owner of the order.
    • The current user is not the owner of the order item.
  • If selection check-boxes are disabled, the select-all check-box for the table will be disabled.
  • Multiple selection of check-boxes allows:
    • A multi item addition to the current-cart (only if order is not activated).
    • A multi item removal from the current order, only if the order has been activated and any of the following conditions are true:
      • The current user is the owner of the order.
      • The current user is the owner of the selected order items.
  • Multiple selection can be canceled by clicking the Close icon next to the selection count display.
    Note: The selection display indicates the total number of items selected in the table and not just those on the current page (if multiple pages are available).