HCL Commerce Version or later

Troubleshooting: Errors in first CAS indexing run

You may encounter indexing errors when changing from the eSite indexing model to the Catalog Asset Store model. The solution is to delete the auth.workspace index and run the index again.


When changing from eSite index model to the CAS model, you may run into the following error during a full indexing run. The error occurs at an early stage in the pipeline NiFi Flow > auth.reindex.cas - Workspace Schema > Workspace Schema > Setup Elasticsearch Index Schema, and resembles the following:
                {"error":{"root_cause":[ {"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"can't merge a non object mapping [id.actionDetail] with an object mapping"}
                ],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"can't merge a non object mapping [id.actionDetail] with an object


Delete the auth.workspace index so that it will generate one with a new schema in the next full indexing.
DELETE http://ElasticSearch_server/auth.workspace