HCL Commerce Version or later

Troubleshooting: Missing custom NiFi processor dependencies

When creating a custom NiFi processor by extending the default Ingest processor in the NiFi Toolkit, one or more dependency errors can occur.


When creating a custom NiFi processor by extending the default Ingest processor in the NiFi Toolkit, dependency errors can occur, similar to the following:
[ERROR] Could not resolve local dependency com.hcl.commerce:dummy-commerce-search-processors:jar:
[ERROR] Could not resolve local dependency com.hcl.commerce:dummy-hcl-cache-core:jar:
[ERROR] Could not resolve local dependency com.ibm.commerce.cf:dummy-cf-base:jar:


  1. For each missing dummy-commerce-search-processors, dummy-hcl-cache-core, or dummy-cf-base JAR file, run the following command:
    mvn install:install-file
    "-Dfile=<jarFileLocation>" \
    "-DgroupId=<groupId>" \
    "-DartifactId=<artifactId>" \
    "-Dversion=<version>" \
    "-Dpackaging=jar" \
    For example:
    mvn install:install-file
  2. Edit the pom.xml configuration file under the commerce-custom-search-processor directory.
    Make the following changes for each missing dummy-commerce-search-processors, dummy-hcl-cache-core and dummy-cf-base dependency:
    • Remove the systemPath property from the dependency declaration.
    • Change the scope of each dependency from system to compile.
    For example, change the following example from:

    Save and close the file.

HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: If you encounter issues with any of the artifacts in the Maven repository, you can try a higher or lower version of the same artifact to resolve the issue.


The dependency errors are corrected.