Troubleshooting: NiFi warning messages while uploading catalog data

If the data load problems are experienced when loading 5000 or more products/ SKUs under a single category. The system provides warning messages for large data with data load NRT search index build during data load LOT testing.


If the data load problems are experienced when loading 5000 or more products/ SKUs under a single category.The following warning messages are displayed during data load LOT testing for large amounts of data with data load NRT search index build.
2023-02-10T17:48:16.322Z [Timer-Driven Process Thread-42] [] WARN  o.a.n.p.standard.ReplaceText.warn:58 - ReplaceText[id=d1df0071-9d19-34c3-9805-ce88 ce416c3d] Transferred {} to 'failure' because it was larger than the buffer size.


To resolve this issue, modify the NiFi according to the steps below to increase the buffer size.
  1. In Figure 1 at the bottom of the screen navigate to the NiFi Flow > dataload.product.cas - Category Synchronization > Update Categories.
  2. In Figure 1 right click the Generate Category Message and select View configuration then click on Properties tab. You will see the following screen.
  3. Under the Properties tab, you can change the value for the property in Maximum Buffer Size from 20 MB to a desired size as per the requirement and click OK button.

Increasing the max buffer size from 20 MB to the desired size resolves the data load cases.