HCL Commerce Developer

Installing WebSphere Application Server and IBM Java SDK 8

Install WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty, and IBM Java SDK for use in the development of HCL Commerce software. You must have WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty and IBM Java SDK installed before you can set up your HCL Commerce Developer Legacy environment.

Before you begin

  1. If you have not already, Install Rational Application Developer.
  2. Review the Supported software levels, fixes, and settings for HCL Commerce to ensure that your WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and Java Development Kit (JDK) installers are the latest supported and recommended versions.

  3. If you do not have the WebSphere Application Server or IBM Java SDK 8 software, then download the eAssemblies.
    Log in to the HCL License and Delivery portal and find the appropriate files under the 3rd Party Bundle download package that you are entitled to.
    Important: To install a fresh copy of WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty, you must download and install both the base version of the software and the applicable recommended fix pack for each product. The fix pack packages alone will not allow you to install the application. In addition, recommended interim fixes (iFixes) must then be applied to address any security, performance, or functional issues that have been identified by HCL.

    The base version, recommended fix pack, as well as any recommended iFixes for each product are available within the third party bundle download files with the following package and file names. The names of Fix Packs and iFixes are specific to each release, and are only displayed in the following table as an example.

    To ensure that you are obtaining the recommended fix pack and interim fixes for the version of HCL Commerce that you are installing, refer to HCL Commerce eAssemblies.

    Software Package name File name
    WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty HCL Commerce V9.0 - IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Multiplatform Multilingual
    Note: Despite having a different base version number, this package remains compatible with all of the provided fix packs available for WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty.
    WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty Fix Pack Example: IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Installation Manager package Example:
    WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty interim fix (iFix) Example: IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty interim fix PH50863 Example:
    WebSphere Application Server IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 CNA8LML.zip
    WebSphere Application Server Fix Pack Example: IBM WebSphere Application Server Fix Pack 15 for distributed platforms Example: 9.0.5-WS-WAS-FP015.zip
    WebSphere Application Server interim fix (iFix) Example: IBM WebSphere Application Server interim fix PH50863 Example:
    Note: You can also obtain these pieces of software individually from IBM directly.

About this task

When you install HCL Commerce Developer, you will have 4 servers. The WebSphere Commerce Test server, the Store Test server, Search Test server, and Customization Test server. The WebSphere Commerce Test server is run on WebSphere Application Server, while the other servers are run on WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty.


  1. Open IBM Installation Manager.
  2. Click File > Preferences, and then select Repositories.
  3. Click Add Repository.
  4. Click Browse and find the repository files in the packages that you extracted.
  5. Select the Search service repositories during installation and updates option. This option finds newer maintenance packages that you can choose to install at the same time.
  6. Click OK to close the Preferences window.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Select the following packages to install and then click Next.
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty
    • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server

    For the supported versions of each of these companion softwares, refer to the companion software column of the Compatibility matrix within Supported software levels, fixes, and settings for HCL Commerce.

  9. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  10. Accept the license agreements on the Licenses panel and click Next.
    The Location panel displays.
  11. Specify an installation directory for each software (WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Liberty).
    • Do not use a directory that contains periods ("."), spaces, or dollar signs ("$") in the directory names.
    • If you previously installed packages through Installation Manager, the existing Shared resource directory is used and Installation Manager does not let you change the path.
    1. In the Package group name window, select IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0.
    2. Specify an installation directory, such as C:/WebSphere/AppServer.
      This directory is referred to as the WAS_installdir.
    3. Select the 64-bit architecture.
    4. In the Package group name window, select WebSphere Liberty.
    5. Specify an installation directory, such as C:/WebSphere/Liberty.
      This directory is referred to as the Liberty_installdir.
    6. Select the 64-bit architecture and then click Next.
      The Translations panel displays.
  12. Select other languages if needed and then click Next.
    The Features panel displays.
    Note: If you already installed IBM SDK Java Technology Edition, Version 8, you might not see a Translations panel. If you do not see a Translations panel, continue with the Features panel.
  13. Click Next to accept the default features.
    The Configuration panel displays.
  14. Select Custom, and then select Addons from the left navigation menu.
  15. Click Install for the following add-ons.
    • If you are installing a version of WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty prior to version 19, you must select:
      • The Base Bundle;
      • The Java EE 7 Web Profile Bundle.
    • If you are installing a version of WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty 19 or greater, you must select:
      • The Base Bundle;
      • The Java EE 7 Web Profile Bundle;
      • The Java EE 8 Web Profile Bundle.
    Note: You might notice that there are other packages that are flagged as Install Pending in the Features menu. These packages are needed as part of the selected add-ons.
    The selected add-ons are set to Install Pending.
  16. Click Next to continue to the Features menu.
  17. Click Next to pass the Features menu.
  18. Accept the license agreements to install the add-ons and then click Next to go to the Summary menu.
  19. Review the summary and then click Next.
  20. Click Install to begin the installation.
  21. After installation completes, you are prompted with Which program do you want to start?. Select None and then click Finish.
  22. Set environment variables to point to IBM Java 8.
    • Set JAVA_HOME to point to the IBM SDK Java 8. For example, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\8.0
    • Ensure that PATH includes %JAVA_HOME%\bin.

What to do next

Prepare a database for your HCL Commerce development environment.