Customizing an existing configuration-based data bean mapping to return more data

In this lesson, you customize an existing configuration-based data bean mapping to return extra requisition list data. By default, WebSphere Commerce uses REST calls for some beans and commands. Configured with mapping profiles, REST calls map REST input parameters to bean or command setter-methods, and bean/command getter-methods to REST output parameters. In some situations, customers might want to use the default REST beans or commands, but want an augmented set of response data. The configuration-based command and data bean mapping framework allows customizations where one REST mapping profile can extend another. For example, RequisitionListDataBean can be customized to return extra data and to install customizations.

For more information about the extension strategy that is supported by the framework, see Creating REST services using the configuration-based controller command and data bean mapping framework.

A requisition list is a list of items that are used to create future orders. Users can create requisition lists of items they frequently order, and use the list to place reorders. The underlying implementation of a requisition list is an order. The STATUS field in the ORDERS database table is used to determine whether an order is a requisition list. Each item on a requisition list is associated with a catalog entry and has the following attributes: Quantity, Last update time, Owner, Store, Type: private or shared. The RequisitionDataBean retrieves the data for the requisition list item, while RequisitionListDataBean is the object that contains a list of RequisitionDataBeans. RequisitionDataBeans can retrieve the list of data for the Requisition list items.


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, go to Rest > WebContent > WEB-INF > config > beanMapping.
  2. Select and open the file.

    Read through the code, find that the existing profile is called IBM_Store_Summary for the bean. By default, it returns set of REST outputs, such as comment, description, and lastUpdate. In the development environment, notice the RequisitionDataBean can return more data than what WebSphere Commerce supports by default. For more information, see RequisitionDataBean.

    Next, extend the default profile for the bean to return more data. The profile is supported by the RequisitionDataBean, which is not a default, as with REST calls for the bean.

  3. In the Enterprise Explorer view, go to Rest > WebContent > WEB-INF > config > beanMapping-ext.
  4. Copy the file from the beanMapping folder to the beanMapping-ext folder.
  5. Replace the original code to the following code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Profile extends the IBM_Store_Summary profile.
    It will look for IBM_Store_Summary first in the extension file, and subsequently the base if not found. -->
    <profile name="MyCompany_Store_Summary">
       <extend profileName="IBM_Store_Summary" />
    <!-- Extend a nested output element for getRequisitionDataBeans. -->
    <output methodName="getRequisitionDataBeans" outputName="resultList">
    <output methodName="getTotalTax" outputName="totalTax" />
    <output methodName="getEstimatedShipDate" outputName="shipDate" />
    <output methodName="getOwner" outputName="Owner" />
    • The custom MyCompany_Store_Summary profile extends from the default IBM_Store_Summary. The custom profile replaces the default IBM_Store_Summary profile.
    • The top outputs are returned by the default profile. The framework looks in the extension directory. Custom outputs are considered and merged into the default outputs. Through the REST calls, you can receive default outputs, and the new outputs.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.