WebSphere Commerce Version

APARs that are fixed in Fix Pack 13 (

Review the following table for information about the APARs that are newly fixed in WebSphere Commerce Version 8 Fix Pack 13 (

Fix packs are cumulative, therefore you also get the fixes from previous fix packs. You can navigate through previous fix packs by clicking the Previous topic link at the bottom of the page. For a complete list of maintenance packages for WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0, see List of available maintenance packages.

Data Load and other loading tools JR56210 Data Load utility shell script always exits with exit code rc=0
Installation, Configuration, and Migration JR55842 DB check after instance creation
Marketing and Promotions JR56243 Cannot find customers to add to a segment in the Management Center Customer Segment tool
Marketing and Promotions SE65146 Allow a BCC address to be set when sending marketing emails
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56217 Unable to connect to an IBM MQ server with authentication enabled
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56175 Unable to search for Pending Orders in Accelerator
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56221 Order details displays Information not available when the related contract is deleted or cancelled
Runtime JR56196 Buyable and ProductType not returned as part of a product's merchandising association section in REST call
Search JR54774 Missing debugQuery information for boosting
Search JR55661 SolrMultiMapDeltaSupportCache not populated correctly when SearchServiceWarmStarter fails due to missing configuration
Search JR55662 Adds lifecycle logging for searcher and docId mapper
Search JR56174 Cannot display more than 25 facets for a given category in Management Center
Stores and Mobile JR56113 Sitemap always generates HTTP URLs for non static links
Stores and Mobile JR56195 Price strikethrough does not work on widgets