WebSphere Commerce Version

APARs that are fixed in Mod Pack 3 (

The following fixes, enhancements, and new features are included in WebSphere Commerce Version 8 Mod Pack 3.

Note: Mod Pack 3 ( also includes most of the APARs that were fixed up to Mod Pack 1 Fix Pack 7 and are reflected in the following table.
JR55163 B2B code changes for Store Separation.
JR54879 Store Separation experimental driver backend enhancements.
Analytics JR55141 Cross-site scripting vulnerability when integrating with IBM Digital Analytics.
Analytics JR55448 Digital Analytics debug info is placed in the wrong location within the page source.
Analytics JR55915 IBM Digital Analytics does not receive registration tag extraparms values with the returnAsJSON option enabled.
Analytics JR55139 Cross-site scripting vulnerability when integrating with IBM Digital Analytics.
Authoring and Staging JR54935 Management Center does not display the workspace, task group, task, or owner of locked objects.
Authoring and Staging JR55115 Management Center does not display the workspace, task group, task, or owner of locked objects.
Authoring and Staging JR55406 Allow workspace scheduler jobs to be run on its own work manager.
Authoring and Staging JR55751 In store preview, sometimes the storefront web services return unexpected results from using the wrong workspaces schema.
Authoring and Staging JR55762 Stagingprop utility fails to propagate the access control policy data of a newly published store into production database.
Authoring and Staging JR55980 Stagingprop utility does not honor -destdb_locktimeout parameter.
Authoring and Staging JR56675 The PLWIDGETDEFDESC staging triggers are wrong on Oracle.
Authoring and Staging JR55264 Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in store pages.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55782 When ATTRDICTGRPATTRREL table is populated, attributes disappear from Management Center.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55876 Scheduler jobs fail when trying to run the PopulateExpressionForCatalogFilters command.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56005 Database error in the Management Center Assets tool when attempting to save a URL attachment.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56189 OFFER.FIELD1 column is not returned in price REST request.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56268 EXPRESSION table is not updated after loading catalog filter data.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56567 EXPRESSION table is incorrectly updated when deleting an existing catalog filter condition.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56376 getParentCatalogEntryIds is not cached.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56480 CatalogDescriptionCache ignores cache hits.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56535 Support invalidation of search cache by using a command line utility.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55696 GetEntitledPriceCmdImpl performance issues.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56353 Cannot modify price after re-login to Management Center from an expired session.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55608 Cannot change a catalog entry's master category relationship using the Data Load utility.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55881 Allow BOD Service to change customField1 value in database.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55392 CatalogDataLoadApplicationException error during data load.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55393 Management Center Attribute Assignments does not work.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54681 When uploading attribute data using Management Center, the UoM is not updated in ATTRVALDESC.QTYUNIT_ID.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54837 Duplicate merchandising association information of the same category-level SKU is displayed in the reference tab.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54953 Some objects contain errors. Select the ones you want to save: error message in the Catalogs tool.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55034 Catalog passed in is not a master catalog error when viewing Sales Catalogs.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55073 Management Center Display to Customers property is cleared after a session timeout.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54956 When foundation trace is enabled, catalog images do not display in Management Center or in Store preview.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55197 Management Center work area 'details' view does not update automatically.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55242 Item quantity in bundle shows incorrect value if locale is changed in Commerce Management Center.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR53335 Improved caching for contract pricing.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55369 Changing dynamic kit parent category incorrectly changes parent category for its SKU components.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55383 Price rule is not applied to SKU if applied to parent product.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55089 Error launching Compile and Test from Visual Modeler.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56288 WebSphere Commerce Developer database migration fails while loading Version 8 bootstrap data.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56587 Dataload utility not truncating promotion name to match the database field size.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56537 Additional tracing added to dataload to reveal SQL elapsed time.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56534 Promotion data extract fails when no catentry found, but utility still issues success message.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56479 Cannot load data into the OFFER table if identifier column is set to 0.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56210 Dataload shell script always exits with exit code rc=0.
Data Load and other loading tools JR55252 DataExtract.bat fails in WebSphere Commerce Developer.
Data Load and other loading tools JR55893 Dbclean throws an SQL error on deletion in Scheduler tables.
Data Load and other loading tools JR55255 updatedb utility might terminate abnormally when using a deprecated execution method.
Data Load and other loading tools JR55180 DataLoad fails when field separator is found within a field's value.
Data Load and other loading tools JR54960 Dataload for AttributeDictionaryAttribute not considering Facetable, Searchable, and Merchandisable in the ColumnExclusionList.
Data Load and other loading tools JR54922 dataloader fails to process all catalog entries if there is an error in XML and marks an incorrect catalog entry with error.
Data Load and other loading tools JR54873 Add support to FTPUpload command to send multiple files in one compressed (zip) file.
Data Load and other loading tools JR54835 During Catalog Upload of Catalog Entry Description Override, utility runs out of database connections when there are many stores.
Data Load and other loading tools JR55976 During Catalog Upload of Catalog Entry Description Override, database connections might run out when there are many stores.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55866 Updating clustered instance named with white space throws error.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR56644 Syntax error in wcs.data.sql introduced by JR56288.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR56349 Updating Resource Group in Org Administration Console fails with FileNotFoundException.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR56108 DB2 PureScale configuration for command-line utilities might contain empty value for jdbcurl elements in alldbconnector.xml.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55867 WebSphere Commerce administrative utilities might lead to disclosure of user personal data.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55846 WCBD Search build fails due to incorrect path.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR56422 DB2/iSeries maintenance package installation fails with a message that states the database is not updated.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55771 IBM License information is added to every file on WebSphere Commerce Developer.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55388 NullPointerException during Quick Publish.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55347 Instance creation fails to create a trigger.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55315 Add new changes for JR55163.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55167 Enable support for staging database migration from version 7.0 to version 8.0.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR54675 Character encoding reverts back to default setting.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55119 Cannot change database type in WebSphere Commerce Developer.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55843 Configuration Manager fails with a NullPointerException when trying to add an additional language to an instance.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR54876 WebSphere Commerce Developer Version 8 hangs when you try to deploy any EJB project.
Maintenance JR55185 Incorrect serverType displays in the SystemOut.log file due to JR55170.
Maintenance JR55170 Add WebSphere Commerce version and server types into system properties when server starts.
Maintenance LI79211 Cannot list assets in Assets tool after installing fix for JR54264.
Maintenance JR56445 PerfLog info tag contains multiple 'parentId' parameters.
Maintenance JR55842 'The database user name does not exist' error occurs in the Configuration Manager when you add a language.
Maintenance JR54969 Database Update Infrastructure (updatedb) for Version 8.0.
Marketing and Promotions JR55963 eSpot REST API runs all web activities that are assigned to the e-Marketing Spot.
Marketing and Promotions JR56012 CleanupRankingPolicyCmdImpl throws SqlSyntaxErrorException on DB2.
Marketing and Promotions JR56014 Shoppers who have coupons from deleted promotions cannot acquire new coupons for promotions with per-shopper redemption limit.
Marketing and Promotions JR56292 Failing to load a promotion in StorePathSupportedAgendaBuilder might prevent other promotions from being loaded.
Marketing and Promotions JR56327 Error saving promotion in IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce Promotions tool.
Marketing and Promotions JR56347 One coupon is applied to multiple items in the order.
Marketing and Promotions JR56367 Order submit will fail with migrated, unique promotion codes after installation of JR54507.
Marketing and Promotions JR56600 Marketing Content Tool text is deleted when only custom fields are modified.
Marketing and Promotions JR56458 Allow ShopcartDrivenAgendaBuilder to use the data cache.
Marketing and Promotions JR56460 ContractShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCalculateCmdImpl is not using data cache.
Marketing and Promotions JR56533 Checkout fails when a previously applied promotion is removed from the system.
Marketing and Promotions JR56589 Unmodified promotions listed in Management Center Promotion Tool appear as modified upon opening the tool.
Marketing and Promotions JR56598 Allow a BCC address to be set when sending marketing emails.
Marketing and Promotions JR55919 Order level promotions do not apply when attribute names are specified in the exclusion condition.
Marketing and Promotions SE65146 Allow a BCC address to be set when sending marketing emails.
Marketing and Promotions JR56404 Customer Segment Target email address domains condition uses case sensitive comparison.
Marketing and Promotions JR55912 Customized promotion code error messages do not appear in the correct language.
Marketing and Promotions JR56243 Cannot find customers to add to a segment in the Management Center Customer Segment tool.
Marketing and Promotions JR55787 The Promotion Checker target does not work when a price is not defined in the store's Master price list.
Marketing and Promotions JR55820 Promotion engine does not start successfully due to missing entry in promotion engine configuration file.
Marketing and Promotions JR54507 Enable preview of promotion codes in store preview within workspace.
Marketing and Promotions JR54637 Marketing email templates generate incorrect URLs.
Marketing and Promotions JR54737 Enable customization of promotion code error messages on store front.
Marketing and Promotions JR54752 Promotional prices that are associated with public promotion codes are incorrectly displayed on Product display pages.
Marketing and Promotions JR54883 Problem selecting promotion type folder in the Promotion Type Selector dialog.
Marketing and Promotions JR54884 Display issues in the Promotion Type Selector dialog.
Marketing and Promotions JR54931 ClassCastException during user registration.
Marketing and Promotions JR54805 Exception occurs when generating unique promotion codes by using the Promotions Tool in Management Center on iSeries databases.
Marketing and Promotions JR55047 The 'SendMarketingTriggers' scheduled job throws NullPointerException.
Marketing and Promotions JR55142 Incorrect icons are displayed for marketing activities that have suspended experiments or experiments with chosen winners.
Marketing and Promotions JR55149 Management Center's Marketing Content and Email Template editor does not render correctly.
Marketing and Promotions JR55155 Cannot open a Marketing Activity that contains a 'Customer Checks In' trigger.
Marketing and Promotions JR55165 Improve marketing performance by reusing DocumentBuilder objects.
Marketing and Promotions JR55280 'Select your free gift' option remains when promotion no longer qualifies with 'best deal' feature enabled.
Marketing and Promotions JR55708 The Accelerator Customer Segment tool does not display the first and last name of included and excluded customers.
Marketing and Promotions JR54937 Incorrect customer segments returned from transaction cache.
Marketing and Promotions JR55748 Cannot activate Marketing web activity.
Member and Session Management JR56317 Shopper data is missing when you enable multiple logon support.
Member and Session Management JR56393 Improved error message for invalid cookie exception.
Member and Session Management JR56426 DuplicateKeyException occurs when a CSR attempts to access a locked order.
Member and Session Management JR56452 Activity Regeneration after CTXMGMT data removal.
Member and Session Management New personalization Id is created during user registration.
Member and Session Management JR55637 CWXBR090?E error: Missing WC_AUTHENTICATION Cookie.
Member and Session Management JR56289 Person REST API IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Member and Session Management JR56491 Guest users cannot be correctly cleaned by the dbclean utility.
Member and Session Management JR56274 External interface to disable Member and ActivityGUID locking.
Member and Session Management JR55061 Old cookies are not replaced with new cookies.
Member and Session Management JR55589 Store requests incorrectly running under a workspace schema.
Member and Session Management JR55534 forUser does not work for DataBean-based REST API.
Member and Session Management JR55114 Command-based REST service cannot update context in the database.
Member and Session Management JR55106 'foruserId' value in the cookie is not respected by REST requests.
Member and Session Management JR55071 Activity token is expired error when multiple logon is enabled and one of the tokens is expired.
Member and Session Management JR55064 OCCException in WebSphere Commerce when you try to save Commerce Insights user preferences.
Member and Session Management JR54825 Security APAR CVE-2015-5009: Persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Organization Administration Console.
Member and Session Management JR54680 Cannot retrieve self addresses with REST calls.
Member and Session Management JR53610 Log on fails with LDAP Entry File: null error when AuthenticationMode is set to DB.
Member and Session Management JR55700 loginidentity?updateCookies=true does not create WC cookies.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56366 Sterling OMS Heartbeat timeout is too long.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56570 File name mismatch in MsgMessageTransportWizard.xml.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56217 Unable to connect to an MQ server with authentication enabled.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56574 Support added for SOAP 1.2 protocol web service message and response processing in JCA HTTP WebService Adapter.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55718 Input validation error on 'Add' from Test and Compile in Visual Modeler.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55698 OrderCalculate external service on Sterling Order Management V9.5 does not work if order is already locked.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR54704 Guest users do not receive emails from orders that are submitted by CSRs through WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55162 'Change configuration' link incorrectly displays in storefront for predefined dynamic kits.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55719 Sterling Organization Code does not use store identifier by default.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56015 Add to cart action does not respect quantity limit.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56055 Parsing error in OrderMessageMappingCmdImpl.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56175 Unable to search for Pending Orders in Accelerator.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56298 REST call usable_ship_charges_by_ship_mode results in NOT_AUTORIZED_FOR_QUERY.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56365 SynchronizeProductAvailabilityCtrlCmd creates C62 QUANTITYOFMEASURE.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56599 Fractional quantity not rounded when nominal quantity equals quantity multiple.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55978 Updates to UnlockStaleOrdersInBatch scheduler job.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54988 Security APAR CVE-2016-0208: Security vulnerability could prevent another user from completing an order.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54936 Shopper encounters Order is invalid error when trying to update the shopping cart.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55493 Information disclosure vulnerability in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tool.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56515 Deletion of a contract causes order problems in Aurora B2B store.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55828 Shopping carts not merged during shopper log on when cart threshold is exceeded.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56221 Order details displays Information not available when the related contract is deleted or cancelled.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55474 Parameters for OrderItemAddCmd are not supported in cart REST services.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55372 Orders by guest users are not fulfilled.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55357 Accelerator displays duplicate jurisdiction groups in the drop down list when creating shipping charge.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55319 Purchase Order number is displayed incorrectly in the Payment Instruction section.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54691 Frequent queries to the SHPARRANGE table can cause slow response time.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55288 The product name and descriptions on the packing slip are incorrect.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55198 SKU field in ORDRELEASE.PACKSLIPXML field is wrong if inventory is non-ATP.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55122 Unable to delete records for Payment Instruction.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55062 Cannot transfer order XML information to an external order management system.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54987 Merging order item conflicts with free gift.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54955 OptimisticUpdateFailureException error when OrderShippingModeListDataBean is used with other actions on the same page.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54874 Slow response time when a shopper adds an item to the cart.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR54744 OrderSubmit Event still persists data to the database when disabled.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55654 Payment inbound services do not respect neverPersist=true parameter.
Programming Framework JR56291 Storefront Test Automation Assets fail to compile using ant.
Programming Framework JR55246 AbstractBaseResourceHandler maps BCS activity expired/terminated exceptions to status code 500 with a generic error response.
Programming Framework JR54908 Compare view in Workspace Management tool only displays one object.
Programming Framework JR54909 Input validation does not work in WebSphere Commerce Version 8 Management Center.
Programming Framework JR54891 Poor response time for some Management Center actions.
Programming Framework JR55063 A timeout is not occurring on the Checkout page.
Runtime JR56632 ClassNotFoundException error during logon for B2B stores.
Runtime JR56557 Provide an option to disable the generation of resourceId in REST response.
Runtime JR56154 Payment information is logged without masking when foundation trace is enabled.
Runtime JR55834 Add extra CSRF protection to REST APIs when cookies are used for authentication.
Runtime JR55312 Revert changes that were made in JR54879.
Runtime JR54828 Erroneous behaviors of session switches for REST services.
Runtime JR55123 Custom certificate name overwritten to default values in SAML configuration file.
Runtime JR56631 Allow the update of cookies via REST calls.
Runtime JR54799 Data Cache enhancement to prevent multiple REST GET threads from executing the same query simultaneously.
Runtime JR56196 Buyable and ProductType not returned as part of a product's merchandising association section in REST call.
Runtime JR55466 Cannot use a custom view to form the email body for email notifications.
Runtime JR55396 personalizationId REST method returns null for generic users.
Runtime JR55380 Extending REST resource handlers that use query or action registry causes certain REST methods to become inaccessible.
Runtime JR55338 The scheduler does not run jobs according to SCHACTIVE.SCSPRIORITY.
Runtime JR55281 Wishlist emails have blank subject line in Feature Pack 8.
Runtime JR54857 Accessing multiple extended sites in the same browser causes incorrect cookie issues.
Runtime JR54611 REST tag not propagating error responses as exceptions to JSP pages.
Runtime JR56277 New ECApplicationException message is not thrown.
Runtime JR54567 Enabling JDBC Performance monitoring Request Metrics breaks Aurora.
Search JR56299 Search cache invalidations are not propagated to production server.
Search JR56254 Setting the sort order of the category facets unexpectedly changes the sort order of top category display menu.
Search JR56174 Cannot display more than 25 facets for a given category in Management Center.
Search JR55972 Merchandising association can potentially list products not linked to currently browsed sales catalog.
Search JR56031 Not all facets are displayed in Management Center if logged on as a site administrator.
Search JR56310 Parallel processing with multithread is not indexing expected data.
Search JR55934 Unable to make changes to custom facet properties through Management Center.
Search JR56119 The categoryview resource byParentCategory REST method is returning itself along with its child categories.
Search JR56321 Preprocess utility fails after executing catalog entry type due to lock on catalog group (or vise versa).
Search JR56609 Intermittent failures in REST service productview/bySearchTerm.
Search JR56477 Buildindex utility reports failure, even if utility ran successfully.
Search JR56517 Encounter 'ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000' error when you run the di-calculateprice utility.
Search JR56672 Provides conditional support for publishOverride functionality.
Search JR56704 Store preview does not show updated catentry long description.
Search JR55208 Connection leak when an empty range is detected during indexing.
Search JR55001 High CPU usage and hung threads while reopening the index searcher.
Search JR55000 Stale index data directory found under each core.
Search JR54806 Reduce Caching requirements for grouping queries against solr with extension indexes enabled.
Search JR55855 Admin Logger is enabled automatically on the WC server when using the default trace level.
Search JR56374 Poor performance of some queries against CATGPENREL table.
Search JR55821 QueryMissingGroupOwner's query includes facet data.
Search JR55580 Duplicate entries appear in auto suggestion results when category is linked multiple times to a sales catalog.
Search JR55789 Price range is sensitive to facet selections on product listing pages.
Search JR54703 Cannot store an external URL without specifying a protocol (HTTP/HTTPS).
Search JR54769 Cannot display linked category facets alphabetically or according to category sequence defined in Management Center.
Search JR54774 Missing debugQuery information for boosting.
Search JR54886 di-calculateprice utility fails with NullPointer Exceptiion.
Search JR54918 Search server hangs when you try to shut down the server.
Search JR54967 Pre-process unable to pick up addtional classes in ear directory.
Search JR55803 Cannot delete product through Management Center after indexing is complete.
Search JR55099 setupSearchIndex fails when running with 'configWCScheduleforCatalogFilter' action.
Search JR55148 'Tag' and 'ex' tags do not work if tagging fields in the extension indexes.
Search JR55175 exists(query()) Solr function throws NullPointerException.
Search JR55039 Cannot display linked category facets alphabetically or according to category sequence defined in Management Center.
Search JR55300 Stale cached data is used to determine contract eligibility.
Search JR55348 Provide a role based access control for IndexLoad.
Search JR55358 Sitemap does not include URLs for non-buyable products.
Search JR55376 setupSearchIndex utility exits with exit code 1, even if the issues are warnings only.
Search JR55423 Custom facets are not displayed for unstructured content.
Search JR55661 SolrMultiMapDeltaSupportCache not populated correctly when SearchServiceWarmStarter fails due to missing configuration.
Search JR55662 Adds lifecycle logging for searcher and docId mapper.
Search JR55671 Cannot set up master managed Solr with workspace on an Authoring environment.
Search JR55227 Extension core cannot handle 'sortMissingLast' field attribute.
Search JR55742 Unsupported enablePublishOverride flag exists in wc-component.xml.
Stores and Mobile JR56076 Associated assets widget shows the URL instead of the display name.
Stores and Mobile JR55929 Associated assets widget display name is not shown as expected on storefront.
Stores and Mobile JR55928 Search auto suggest displays duplicate results when a keyword contains trailing spaces.
Stores and Mobile JR55533 Commerce Composer Links widget does not use language-specific SEO URL for click action.
Stores and Mobile JR55750 Wish list REST requests result in poor performance.
Stores and Mobile JR55547 Back button does not work properly when product has only 1 SKU.
Stores and Mobile JR55878 Broken images occur in several places in the Aurora starter store when using recommended external CMS integration approach.
Stores and Mobile JR56113 Sitemap always generates HTTP URLs for non static links.
Stores and Mobile JR56523 Store locator REST call returns none of the expected stores.
Stores and Mobile JR56314 wcf:url tag does not construct SEO friendly URLs based on request protocol when type=Ajax is specified.
Stores and Mobile JR56357 The PropertyListCheckbox option on custom Management Center pages do not hold the correct state of the checkbox.
Stores and Mobile JR56370 SitemapGenerate job does not account for catalog filters.
Stores and Mobile JR56409 Aurora starter store Forgot password page displays invalid cookie error.
Stores and Mobile JR56410 Product display pages that contain only 1 SKU do not show the defining attribute name and value correctly.
Stores and Mobile JR56414 Incorrect pageGroup value is retrieved from the LayoutPageNames.properties file.
Stores and Mobile JR56437 seourlkeywordgen utility does not commit records with logging enabled.
Stores and Mobile JR56454 CleanPageLayouts scheduler job does not clean objects that are 'marked for delete'.
Stores and Mobile JR55479 Facet filtering is applied to products even after facets are cleared.
Stores and Mobile JR56195 Price strikethrough does not work on widgets.
Stores and Mobile JR55470 After installing JR54241, attribute drop down menus on the Product display page are empty when returning from the SKU page.
Stores and Mobile JR55174 Enhance store preview in Management Center in support of store separation.
Stores and Mobile JR55424 Publishstore.bat USAGE example is incorrect.
Stores and Mobile JR53764 SKU information is not loaded automatically when a product does not have defining attributes.
Stores and Mobile JR54506 Web page header is displayed twice on the Change Password page.
Stores and Mobile JR54785 Breadcrumb trail is incorrect with linked sales categories.
Stores and Mobile JR54824 Security APAR CVE-2015-5009: Persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Aurora starter store.
Stores and Mobile JR54959 Error message and the store's total product count is displayed when the search term or manufacturer is empty in the store's URL.
Stores and Mobile JR54989 Full Image Widget does not display product level thumbnail angle images.
Stores and Mobile JR55030 Incorrect breadcrumb trail is displayed when you use keyword search and filter through a category facet.
Stores and Mobile JR55065 SKUList widget displays inventory counts in the wrong order.
Stores and Mobile JR55098 Unit of measure is not displayed consistently in facets.
Stores and Mobile JR55104 After installing JR54241, product information does not display when a shopper clears defining attributes.
Stores and Mobile JR55118 JSP enhancement for Store Separation experimental driver.
Stores and Mobile JR55168 Associated Assets widget does not display .flv video formats.
Stores and Mobile JR55199 Adjustment test in the SingleShipmentOrderTotalsSummary.jsp does not match.
Stores and Mobile JR55270 Commerce Insights: Missing category metrics overlays in store view.
Stores and Mobile JR55317 Breadcrumb trail is not displayed properly when there are more than 3 category levels.
Stores and Mobile JR55318 Multiple cache entries for each new search request.
Stores and Mobile JR55325 Back button does not work as expected.
Stores and Mobile JR55344 Quick Info pop up dialog does not show product full image after deselecting attributes.
Stores and Mobile JR55394 Facet selection changes when browser's Back button is used.
Stores and Mobile JR55468 Facet selection does not work with browser 'Back' button.
Stores and Mobile Protect Aurora storefront REST services from Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability (CSRF).