Feature Pack 6 or later

Publishing prerendered content from IBM Web Content Manager

When WebSphere Commerce is integrated with IBM Web Content Manager, site content from IBM Web Content Manager can be prerendered for display in WebSphere Commerce.

The prerendering of content with IBM Web Content Manager uses a snapshot of the content libraries for WebSphere Commerce. IBM Web Content Manager creates and saves these snapshots of the content libraries as static HTML files. The static prerendered files are then published from the staging environment to the production environment. By prerendering the content, you do not need to render the content dynamically when a shopper views a page.

Note: If you do not configure your site to use prerendered content, the content from IBM Web Content Manager is not available for display in your production environment. There is no fallback to render the content from IBM Web Content Manager live when your site is configured to retrieve content from the web server.

About this task

The following steps can be used to publish the content from any site that is listed in the wcm.wcs.integrator portlet properties within IBM Web Content Manager. Ensure that the site content that you want to publish is listed in the portlet properties. The WebSphere Commerce administrative user must also be listed in the Access Control List for each content library. If you want to publish more than one store, update the Resource Environment Providers with the store name and publish the site content again. You can control what libraries go into each store through the properties file.


  1. Create the resource environment providers in IBM Web Content Manager to provide content for WebSphere Commerce.
    1. On the WebSphere Portal Server, open the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
    2. Expand Resources > Resource Environment. Click Resource Environment Providers.
    3. Click WCM_WCMConfigurService to open the provider settings for editing.
    4. In the Additional Properties section, click Custom properties.
    5. Click New. Create the following properties by entering the Name and Value for the property. Click Apply to save the property.
      Property Name Value
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.destdir ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/PortalServer/wcm/ilwwcm/cacher/your_store_name
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.task.interval.enabled false
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.task.scheduled.enabled false
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.rendereruser Administrator
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.task.cacherurl http(s)://WebSphere_Commerce_host:port_number/wcsstore/store_name
      connect.moduleconfig.cacher.task.servletpath /store_name
      The host name of your WebSphere Commerce instance
      The number of the endpoint port
      The name of your WebSphere Commerce store.
    6. Click Save directly to the master configuration.
    7. Start, or restart the WebSphere Portal Server.
  2. Publish the IBM Web Content Manager content.
    1. Open a web browser. Enter one of the following URLs to publish the site content.
      • http://WebSphere_Portal_host:10039/wps/myportal?uri=wcs:publish&store=store_name
      • https://WebSphere_Portal_host/wps/myportal?uri=wcs:publish&store=store_name
      The host name for your WebSphere Portal instance
    2. Go to the location that you specified in the Resource Environment Provider settings.
      Ensure that the content is published.
      For the default location, go to
      • profile_directory/WebSphere_Portal_host/wcm/ilwwcm/cacher/store_name
      The installation directory for your WebSphere Portal profile.
  3. Add the published content to the WebSphere Commerce web server.
    1. Copy the folder with your published content from the WebSphere Portal file system
    2. On the WebSphere Commerce web server, open the file system
    3. Go to the location of the stores.war file:
      • WAS_installdir/profiles/demo/installedApps/WC_demo_cell/WC_demo_ear/Stores.war
      • Add the folder with your published content into the WebSphere Commerce Stores.war file.
      For more information about deploying the assets from IBM Web Content Manager to the WebSphere Commerce web server, see Customized WebSphere Commerce web server assets.
  4. Optional: Verify that the published content can be viewed on the storefront.
    1. In the staging environment, Open the Marketing tool..
    2. Optional: If workspaces are enabled, select to work on approved content.
    3. Select a web activity that displays marketing content in an e-Marketing Spot on the storefront. Open the marketing content for editing. You can open the marketing content for editing within the Marketing tool, or with the click-to-edit function in store preview.
    4. Use the punch-out integration to edit the marketing content to select a piece of image content from IBM Web Content Manager. Save your changes and activate the web activity.
    5. Publish the changes from the staging environment to the production environment.
    6. In the production environment, open your store in a web browser and go to the store page that displays the content. Ensure that the content displays correctly to verify that the prerendered IBM Web Content Manager content is successfully published.