Feature Pack 6 or later

Configuring WebSphere Commerce to work with IBM Web Content Manager

Enable and configure the integration with IBM Web Content Manager for each store that is to use content from IBM Web Content Manager.


  1. Update the files for the store pages where content from IBM Web Content Manager is to display. Include the changes that are introduced in the Interim fix for APAR JR47399 within files for the store pages to support the display of the content.

    Feature Pack 7 or laterYou no longer must apply the interim fix for APAR JR47399.

    To update the files, complete one of the following tasks.
    • Publish or republish your store. If the storefront is customized, consider updating the store asset files directly.
    • Run a file difference on the store archive file for the interim fix and your store archive file. For instance, your archive can be the Aurora.sar or the AuroraStorefrontAssetStore.sar. Update your store JSP files to incorporate the new changes that are introduced for this integration within the store archive within the interim fix.
    The following store JSP files and JSP fragments are updated to support the integration:
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Layouts/BundleDisplay.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Layouts/DynamicKitDisplay.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Layouts/PackageDisplay.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Layouts/ProductDisplay.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/MultipleShipment/MSOrderItemDetailSummary.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/MultipleShipment/MSOrderItemDetails.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/SingleShipment/OrderItemDetailSummary.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/SingleShipment/OrderItemDetails.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/ShoppingArea/DiscountSection/DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Snippets/Marketing/Promotions/PromotionChoiceOfFreeGiftsPopupContent.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Snippets/Order/Cart/OrderItemDetail.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Snippets/ReusableObjects/CatalogEntrySearchThumbnailDisplay.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Snippets/StoreLocator/StoreLocator.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/CatalogEntry/CatalogEntryDisplay_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/CompareProduct/CompareProduct_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ESpot/CategoryRecommendation/CategoryRecommendation_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ESpot/ContentRecommendation/ContentRecommendation_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ESpot/ContentRecommendation/ContentRecommendation_UI.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ESpot/include/ESpotTitle_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/MerchandisingAssociation/MerchandisingAssociation_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/MiniShopCartDisplay/MiniShopCartDisplay_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ProductDescription/ProductDescription_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ProductFullImage/ProductFullImage_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ProductFullImage/ProductFullImage_UI.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/QuickInfo/QuickInfo_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/Shared/GetCatalogEntryDetailsByID.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/ShoppingList/ShoppingList_Data.jspf
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/Widgets/TechnicalSpecification/AttachmentList.jsp
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/css/CMC.css
    • WC_eardir/Stores.war/store_dir/javascript/StoreCommonUtilities.js
  2. Review the configuration properties for integrating with IBM Web Content Manager. Determine which properties are required to complete the integration to meet the requirements for your store and environment.

    For more information about the available configuration properties and possible values, including which properties are optional or required, see Configuration properties for content management system integration

  3. To configure each store, update the STORECONF database table. Insert the configuration properties and settings for the integration that you want enabled. Repeat the inserts for each store that you want the configuration property set. You can use individual insert statements or include the insert statements within an SQL load file and load the file to configure your store.
    INSERT INTO STORECONF VALUES (storeId, 'name', 'value');
    The store identifier. For example, 10152
    The name of the configuration property. For example, wc.cmsPunchOut.enabled
    The value of the configuration value. For example, values can be a filepath, a hostname, true, or false.
    For example, the following insert statements set configuration properties for an integration with IBM Web Content Manager. There are more configuration properties available that you can use to configure the integration to match the requirements for your integration environment and your store. For a list of the properties that are available for the integration, see Configuration properties for content management system integration.
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.cmsPunchOut.cmsEditPath','/wps/myportal?uri=wcs:edit')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.cmsPunchOut.cmsHost','https://your_WebSphere_Portal_hostname')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.cmsPunchOut.cmsSelectPath','/wps/myportal?uri=wcs:link')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.cmsPunchOut.enabled', 'true')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.getContent.cmsPreviewHost','https://your_WebSphere_Portal_hostname')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.getContent.cmsPreviewPath','/wps/wcm/myconnect/')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.getContent.cmsPreviewToken','/wps/wcm/myconnect/')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.getContent.previewLTPATokenDomain','your_domain_name')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.getContent.sendPreviewLTPAToken', 'true')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.cmsHost', 'https://your_WebSphere_Commerce_hostname.com')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.cmsPath','/wcsstore/your_WebSphere_Commerce_store')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.cmsPreviewHost','https://your_WebSphere_Portal_hostname')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.cmsPreviewPath','/wps/myportal?uri=wcs:render&link=')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.encode', 'false')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.encodeForPreview', 'true')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.getLinkURL', 'true')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.getPreviewLinkURL', 'false')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.getPreviewResourceURL', 'false')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.getResourceURL', 'true')
    insert into storeconf values (10152, 'wc.resolveContentURL.useRelativeURLs', 'true')
  4. Repeat the previous steps to configure any other stores that are to use the integration.
  5. If any of the following values are configured with a host that uses SSL, configure the WebSphere Application Server on the WebSphere Commerce server with the signer certificate of the IBM Web Content Manager system host.
    • wc.resolveContentURL.cmsHost
    • wc.resolveContentURL.cmsPreviewHost
    • wc.resolveContentURL.cmsInternalHost
    • wc.resolveContentURL.cmsInternalPreviewHost
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console.
    2. Expand the Security node. Click SSL certificate and key management.
    3. In the Related Items section, click Key stores and certificates.
    4. Select the check box for NodeDefaultTrustStore. Click NodeDefaultTrustStore.
    5. In the Additional Properties section, click Signer certificates.
    6. Click Retrieve from port.
    7. Enter the Host, Port, and Alias for IBM Web Content Manager. Ensure that the alias that is unique to the list of signer certificates. Click Apply.
    8. Enter an alias that is unique to the list of signer certificates.
    9. Click Save directly to the master configuration.
  6. WindowsIf your WebSphere Commerce production server uses Internet Information Services (IIS) as the web server and the content that is retrieved from IBM Web Content Manager is prerendered, configure IIS to publish the prerendered content to this web server. Configure the IIS to allow files with no extension to be retrieved from paths that contain the plus "+" character. Configuring IIS is required when the production server uses IIS whether IBM Web Content Manager is set up on only the staging environment (recommended) or on the staging and production environments.
    1. From the Start menu open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2. Expand the explorer view to locate and select the directory that contains the content to be published.
    3. Right-click MIME Types. Click Open Feature. Open "Mime Types" and add "." as the extension with "text/html" as the MIME type.
    4. In the Actions section, click Add.
    5. For the File name extension: field, enter "." as the extension. For the MIME type: field, enter "text/html" as the type.
    6. Click the back button to return to the list of features. Right-click Request Filtering. Click Open Feature.
    7. In the Actions section, click Edit Feature Settings. Select the check box for the option Allow double escaping.
    8. Click OK to save your change.