Deprecated feature

Creating new Cashier profiles

You may want to create new Cashier profiles for WebSphere Commerce.

About this task

After creating a new Cashier profile:


  1. Ensure that the Cashier profile meets the requirements stated below.
  2. Place the file in the following directory:


  3. Add a new payment policy.


Cashier profile requirements:

  • The name of the new profile must have the .profile suffix.
  • The name of the new profile must not be the same as a WebSphere Commerce standard Cashier profile.
  • The new profile must be located in the directory specified by the ProfilePath attribute of the PaymentManager element in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. The default value of the ProfilePath attribute is the same directory as shown above.
  • The new profile must not include the PaymentManagerConfiguration element as it is not supported by WebSphere Commerce. The Payments configuration information is stored in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
  • In addition to the <CollectPayment> element, the profile must include the <Command name="DEPOSIT"> element for the Deposit Commerce Payments command.