Deprecated feature

Sample: WebSphere Commerce Payments JSP pages

WebSphere Commerce provides sample JavaServer Pages (JSP) files to display order information using WebSphere Commerce Payments.

  • Display different text depending on the status of the payment.
  • Obtains the order or payment status by the PayStatusPMDataBean.
  • The PaySuccessView, PayCancelView, and PayFailureView command all specify a JSP file by this name. See Customizable payment JSP files for additional information.
  • OrderOKView is for payments that use DoPayment, and this view may be mapped to a different JavaServer Pages file if required.
  • Used for the ServiceURL.
  • The ServiceURL maps to this JSP file by the PayServiceView.
  • You may want to specify your own version of this JavaServer Pages file to store specific information. See Customizable payment JSP files for additional information.

You can map the views to JSP files other than the sample ones documented.