WebSphere Commerce Version

Enabling interim fix JR53681

Interim fix JR53681 adds support to merge order items with non-ATP inventory onto one line in the shopping cart.

By default, when a shopper adds a product to a shopping cart, or a cart merge action is initiated on user log on, order items with the same catalog entry are not merged into one. The order items appear on separate order item lines.

Before you begin

Ensure that the latest cumulative interim fix is installed:


  1. Connect to your database.
  2. Update the CMDREG table by running the following two commands:
    update CMDREG set classname='com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.OrderItemBaseMergeItemsCmdImpl'  
    where interfacename='com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.OrderItemAddCmd';
    update CMDREG set classname ='com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.OrderItemBaseMergeItemsCmdImpl'  
    where interfacename='com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.OrderItemUpdateCmd';