Feature Pack 5 or later

Catalog entry description overrides available for extended site stores

In an extended sites store, business users can set store-specific catalog entry descriptive information for inherited catalog entries. Setting a store-specific description for a catalog entry overrides the asset store description for that catalog entry in the storefront.

Overriding your inherited catalog entry descriptions provides you with the capability to customize the appearance of these catalog entries on your storefront. You can display a different catalog entry name and description in your store than what displays in your asset store or another extended site stores. By overriding the descriptive information for inherited catalog entries, you can ensure that these catalog entries are targeted toward the shoppers that visit your store.

The override descriptive information displays in the storefront for only the store that is associated with the override. All other stores view the inherited asset store descriptive information, unless they override the catalog entry descriptive information.

To override an inherited catalog entry description, you can use the Management Center Catalog Upload feature to load the override information. You can also have a Site Administrator use the Data Load utility to load this override information.

Feature Pack 6 or laterYou can use Management Center to create a catalog entry description override to replace an inherited catalog entry description in your storefront.

For more information about description overrides, see Catalog entry description overrides